Hoyo Confirms New Optimizations for Genshin Impact 3.8 and 4.0 Fontaine

The developers of Genshin Impact finally disclosed some important changes and improvements coming to the game in Genshin …


12 thoughts on “Hoyo Confirms New Optimizations for Genshin Impact 3.8 and 4.0 Fontaine”

  1. It's quite a good optimization, specially for new players. I remember having issues with the legendary quests when I started. I didn't notice they were accepted right after unlocking them and that made a mess in my quest log. I felt I had to rush many of them to do the quest I wanted to do and that limited my enjoyment of many, which is sad. I'm happy for these optimizations, so new players and future content won't have those issues.

    Btw, anything on Dehya? I read somewhere that she would have an optimization too in 3.8-4.0, but I've not seen news about that in other sources, so I wondered if you knew something about it.

  2. still no news for Controller support in Genshin Mobile Android players…? honestly they should do it already since there is alot of Android players than iPhone players but iPhone only gets controller support…!!!

  3. i feel like the "easier redirection to prerequesite quests" completely misses the point
    i dont have any issues knowing which quests to complete, i just CANT BE BOTHERED TO DO SO!


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