How to Overload Vaporize Properly | Genshin Impact Reactions Guide Overvape ft Kokomi

Learn how to proc Overvape reliably in under 2 minutes. Characters don’t matter as the concepts taught here can be applied to anyone of the right element. #Kokomi #Overvape #EODGamer #Genshin

To run an effective Overload Vaporize (aka. Overvape or Overvaporize) team requires you to reliably proc Pyro into an electro-charge status consistently. This guide will teach you how.

This comp allows you to run EM Kokomi overvape to increase electro charge damage, the pyro character in this case also makes use of EM.

00:00 Intro
00:33 Elemental Absorption Priority
00:58 Electro-charge reaction
01:15 Pyro into Electro-charge
01:31 Beidou/Yanfei/Venti/Kokomi
01:50 Xiangling/Raiden/Venti/Kokomi

Kokomi Meta team, Kokomi Sukokomon, Kokomi Overvape, Kokomi DPS, Kokomi build


21 thoughts on “How to Overload Vaporize Properly | Genshin Impact Reactions Guide Overvape ft Kokomi”

  1. what do you think about Kokomi, Fishl, Xiangling and Sucrose? All of them using full Elemental Mastery builds?
    I mean, the damage reactions will always get high humbers no matter who is triggering the reaction…
    This could be good or is better to do normal builds?

  2. What would be a posible way to leave hydro at the end for kokomis Q to make full use?
    Electro – Anemo – Pyro -Hydro?
    Like Traveler'S E , then Surcrose E/Q, Xianglings Pyronado or Gouba and then Kokomi's Q?

  3. I'm not sure I understand it 100% but Kokomi is just attacking once to apply hydro right? It could be a lvl 1 Barbara lmao, and how specific is the order after the swirl and can you chain it? Like, could you have kazuha or venti swirld electro, EQ with Xingqiu and then Q with Xiangling while you keep proc'ing xq's Q? Or stuff like that

  4. ive been seeing this comp for months now but i just decided to search it up now. this looks like a fun and complicated comp. ill try something like this next time.


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