How To Build And Play Electro Traveler! (Complete Guide) | Genshin Impact

This video is all about the main character, and specifically their electro version. I am loving this new element and it has made me really love this character again. Inazuma and Patch 2.0 are full of so much good stuff!!

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Intro 0:00
Talents and Playstyle 1:19
Talent Priority 5:23
New Mechanics 5:36
Weapons 6:24
Artifacts and Stat Priorities 8:09
Team Synergies 10:13

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29 thoughts on “How To Build And Play Electro Traveler! (Complete Guide) | Genshin Impact”

  1. So, im going to play this game a lil because of Aloy, she is the best! Since there is some time till she arrives, i did a few reroll accounts and got an awesome roll on my 2nd day last week: Noelle, Sucrose, Fischl and Bennett in 20 minutes, Bennett, Bennett in 40 minutes (yup 3x Bennett). I also saw that this Electro traveler build is very popular now. Then, with this this 6 chars on mind, what kind of team can i make? I have Geo sword, Anemo book, Electro bow, Pyro sword, Cryo bow(soon) and the traveler. I don't fully understand the elemental rotation yet ^^"

  2. Since I play my favorites always as main damage dealer (regardless of the meta people) I must admit Electro MC is a tough case. But I won't give up. I haven't had a full good of the purple new set (just the fox one which also works good) with ER. I aim to try this. Sadly I can't raise the talents higher because I need 3 azdaha drops I just won*t get, neither crystals -_- But I prioritize the first normal physical talent so it's my highest. If you go for support then of course the burst but if you want to play MC without switching then full gladiator set with one physical or electro goblet and jade sword is really good. Yet still COMPARED to beidou the electro MC is super super bad. The anemo one was so strong, could have burst around 50-60k with short CD, the skill making 30k with super short CD , the normal physical getting too an anemo attack AND MC is self healer. And now…. it looks like 3 star-beidou xD But we all don't have last constellations and the elecro buff that is speculated isn't there yet, so let's see. I think MC is really just planned as battery for Baal.

  3. Hey thanks for the very informative video, I'm saving for baal rn bc I have heard she has insane battery potential and I wanted to use her in a Eula, beidou, Diana team. Just wanted to know should I substitute any characters or the team im planning to make is fine

  4. I have been recently tryin baal, electro traveller, xinxhu and Bennet as my team composition it's so fun to use you literraly have unlimited ults in this team as soon as your finish raidens ult you get others ult back too. Baal and traveler together generate so much power from just their ults

  5. Does the Electro Traveler's boost to party members' ER get counted towards the party member in question's 4 Piece Emblem of Severed Fate ER-based damage boost?


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