5 Arlecchino Teams Everyone Should Try | Genshin Impact

#genshinimpact #hoyocreators #genshinguide #arlecchino


41 thoughts on “5 Arlecchino Teams Everyone Should Try | Genshin Impact”

  1. Why didn’t I think of using Yunjin with her? She’s literally perfect. Though I might swap out Benny for Xingqiu in that team for vape instead, since Yunjin buffs harder with more elements on the team.

  2. My fav team for her is with rosaria, kazuha and layla. The only problem is crowds, because rosaria's burst uas a petty small range, but otherwise constant melts, buffs from kazuha, rotation is very quickswap-y and has enough time for blood debt due to kick in, enough energy, and on top of everything, layla's shield is enogh to protect everyone

  3. Love furina and arle on the same team. Use them with Zhongli or Thoma with Benny though I wonder if I should try out a shielder with healing like diona or baizhu.

    Though something I’ve noticed is arlecchino’s burst doesn’t seem to activate furina’s fanfare. Though I’m not sure if I’m just blind or what so jf anyone else could explain that would be wonderful


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