How to BEAT 4.5 SPIRAL ABYSS Floor 11 & 12: Guide & Tips w/ 4-Star Teams! | Genshin Impact 4.5

This Genshin Impact 4.5 Spiral Abyss guide will help you beat Floor 11 & 12 bringing back the PMA, Jadeplume Terrorshroom, Shadowy Husks, and the new boss, Arithmetic Enhancer Mek. My runs will feature 4-star characters (plus Traveler) and weapons, using National and Quicken Hyperbloom templates. These Spiral Abyss runs show gameplay tips, enemy strategies, and team comp suggestions for how to beat Spiral Abyss 4.5. Character builds included at the end of the video! #GenshinImpact #SpiralAbyss #hoyocreators

0:00 Intro & Reminders
0:35 Floor 11 General Tips
1:30 Floor 11-1
3:15 Floor 11-2
5:15 Floor 11-3
6:31 Floor 12 General Tips
7:44 Floor 12-1
10:43 Floor 12-2
14:05 Floor 12-3
16:55 Character Builds

Thanks for watching! I’m a female Filipino Genshin Impact YouTuber and Content Creator who makes guides and gameplay vids. I really appreciate your support 😀

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29 thoughts on “How to BEAT 4.5 SPIRAL ABYSS Floor 11 & 12: Guide & Tips w/ 4-Star Teams! | Genshin Impact 4.5”

  1. I got 36 using different teams.
    On the last floor: Yae, Fishl, Kazuha, Zongli first half, and nahida hyperbloom second half.
    Zongli and Kazuha are enough to crowd control the two stupid operatives and their corrosion damage.

  2. girl, you beated that water boss and the dancing robots like it was nothing😭, my 5 stars team can do shit fr, the artifact farming always go terrible for me

  3. Top half: Neuv (Jean / Furina / Neuvillette / Fischl)
    Bottom half: Hyperbloom (Baizhu / Xingqiu / Yelan / EM Raiden)

    Got slowed by 12-3-2, had to use Xingqiu sword plunge to break shield. Luckily my animation canceling game is on point after having Xianyun on my overworld team for the last patch.

  4. The last abyss 12 was an absolute pain with the underground loving worms, but after 2 days of retries i managed it. This time around the lack of any geo or claymore character built is unfortunately making an all round easy abyss impossible to 3 star on the last chamber for me. Better luck next time, at least i got reminded that i gotta build my Beidou.

  5. went to 12-3 blindly with my uber tier nahida comp (c3 nahida, kagura's, miko fischl and baizhu)………………….. catalyst and bow plunging attacks do not break the shield hahahahahah

  6. how does it avoid dying with the last boss, all my characters die in 2 hits, it attacks you on the ground and attacks you in the air, I don't have geo, I don't have shields, I don't have greatswords and my healer heals slowly… it's by far the worst boss I have faced in Genshin, this boss in Fontaine is impossible, I was never able to kill him, in this abyss he has even more shield and does more damage… I don't understand how his characters don't die…

  7. (new viewer here) it's insanely mind blowing to me how you 36 starred it with 4 stars while their builds consist of their most wanted stat and nothing more nothing less and you just abused the character's talents and minmax everything so well to the point you just beat the game with what seems like just going with the flow for you.

    The way you grouped all enemies by purely abusing the bad targetting system genshin has is insane to me, I learnt so much from this video thank you!

    You earned a new subscriber!


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