HOW POWERFUL is the Hydro Archon Focalors in the Lore of Genshin Impact?

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A leify lore streamer’s thoughts on the power level of the Hydro Archon Focalors

⟡ I’m your leify lore streamer Minsleif
⟡ “I read the Genshin Impact lore so that you don’t have to”


47 thoughts on “HOW POWERFUL is the Hydro Archon Focalors in the Lore of Genshin Impact?”

  1. Especially since a lot of people were starting to not believe in the hydro archon, like they do with Venti, or even Zhongli. As Nahida said, the amount of worship you have correlates to power. She’s probably not as weak as Nahida, but not as strong as Zhongli either.

  2. Zhongli is the Geo Archon of Liyue and Venti is the Anemo Archon of Mondstadt. They are the last remaining members of the original Seven Archons.
    According to the lore Venti lost some of his power cause he was not active.
    How can hydro throne be destroyed so it can never be created again? Someone mush have created it? or did it exist forever?
    Is the throne related to the 7 archons? or were there thrones before Primordial one came, defeated the 7 dragon sovereigns and created Teyvat?

  3. What I wanna know is why her Statues of the Seven still work even though there is no Hydro Archon…

    …And where were the Heavenly Principles after the Hydro Archon died? Like surely they could sense that one of the Archon's is just, gone. Surely once they realized the Hydro Archon was no more they would've showed up pissed right?

  4. She's definitely not the strongest lore-wise especially if we factor in the fact that it took her 500 years to collect the power she needed (power that wasn't produced by her btw). That doesn't make her any less amazing though, and I absolutely adore both her and Furina!

  5. But in my opinion, furina is oceanid human with Forever immortality, i mean if i am coorect then oceanid leaves much longer than humans and furina also have a oceanid fing in her back clothes so thats why i am imagining it

  6. I don‘t think the part with her destroying the hydro throne makes her stronger than the others.
    She was gathering energy for this exact moment for 500 years. I‘m sure every other archon could do the exact same, if they would want to plan such a thing and have 500 years worth of energy gathered.

    That‘s nothing Focalors could easily do without long time preparations and she hypothetically wouldn‘t be able to destroy another throne in the near future either.

  7. Its not really "Ever" Its just destroyed and left destroyed.. Unless the Primodial one.. …
    Take the authority of the hydro dragon and the Gnosis and create another throne.
    But… Since The Primo One is absent/dead/missing…
    That is just not possible.

  8. Hold on, she cursed Furina because Furina was a part of herself. The curse was linking Focalors' body to her divinity, I doubt she could make a normal human immortal. And Furina isn't her human double: Furina and Focalors' divinity are together the hydro archon, Furina is the body and Spirit of Focalors, with "spirit" being her essence from before she became an archon. The divinity Neuvillette spoke to isn't the full hydro archon and she herself said that

  9. Well yeah Ei and Morax can destroy gods for breakfast…. Those gods can technically still influence the world even when They're "dead"….. But foscalor…. Literally perma delete a "god" lol i think that's something on it itself❤❤❤

  10. But thats the thing right? She had to do all that BECAUSE she wasnt the strongest. I dont know the exact word for word, but she states she built the machine to accumulate the power to kill a archon. She took 500 years to get enough energy. But while Furina was suffering alone, Focalore was too. Think about it, she would have had her conscience in or near the machine, she would have been isolated looking at the world being unable to tell anyone shes there too. Knowing she basically had to end herself. Along with Furina, Focalor was incredibly brave as well. All to basically stick it to the man. So no, she may not havd been the most powerful, but look at what she DID do. Saved a people, revived a dragon, eliminated the hydro throne, and stuck it to the heavenly principles. I dont know about you all, but shes even more amazing to me than the others. She proves that you dont need to be the biggest or strongest, you just need spirit hard work, and a BIG middle finger😂❤❤❤❤

  11. During the first three regions we get to meet the 3 powerhouse Archons who are known for their POWER!!!!, then Sumeru and Fontaine came up we get to meet the two Smartest archons so far. Hopefully Murata and Tsaritsa are a mixture of both, power and intelligenence, I mean we know that Tsaritsa is already both and is now playing 5D chess against Celestia and what ever is out there.

  12. people need to remember that when you rank archons by power it isn't just their raw combat ability, yeah zhongli, ei, or venti could probably end nahida and focalors easily with their strength but nahida and focalors have great powers and abilities, and i would definitely say they are the strongest archons, all terms considered (IQ, strength, powers, etc.)

  13. in raw combat? ofc its Ei. she trained in many martial arts discipline. polearm, sword, etc. also her power is lightning/thunder.

    do you see that tree over there?


    now do you see it?

  14. I'm thinking that Venti and Morax were the gods that cursed the Khaenri'ahns. If Foçalors as an archon can curse, it's not farfetched to believe that the others can as well. Perhaps that is one of the things the Tsaritsa saw that drove her towards her current path. And we also still don't know who exactly it was that killed Makoto.


    Does that mean that once all the thrones are "burned," all of the archons will die as well? It makes sense as Zhongli was insistent about his people being able to take care of themselves.

  15. Any less wonderful?

    Nah. She has a sweet voice but she's probably the best example of why Dain dislikes the archons. To curse another the way she did Furina all to 'stick it to the heavenly Principles' is just down right cruel. Her and Ei are up there in being the absolute worst in terms of how they went about fulfilling their duty.

  16. I would say that in terms of raw power Rukkhadevata is probably the strongest archon as she had to battle not only all the forbidden knowledge but her sacrifice sealed the rift that was allowing the abyssal creatures to enter the world of teyvat all the other archons could do was try and hold back the invading creatures. Maybe im over thinking it but in terms of raw power she could’ve been the strongest


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