Honestly, I Cannot Recommend Yae Miko for Genshin Impact meta , meta-analysis [Genshin Impact]

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yae miko just is not it, im sorry. Mihoyo ruined her
Honestly, I Cannot Recommend Yae Miko for Genshin meta , meta-analysis
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20 thoughts on “Honestly, I Cannot Recommend Yae Miko for Genshin Impact meta , meta-analysis [Genshin Impact]”

  1. Agree not meta at all. But i am 36 star clearing for months with my fully built Eula and Raiden national teams so at this point i am just collecting them waifus haha, since abyss is just 1 hour of playtime as soon as it resets and overworld is the rest of the 99% of playtime.

  2. What if..

    Yae Skill
    hold e for 1.5 sec summons 3 tower at the same time and gain defense from interruption (will not be destroyed after ult)

    Yae ult refreshes the on field tower and buffs it increasing the energy gain and decreases electro resistance

  3. Use Venti with her and laugh how fast mobs die. If you stack the mobs she does sick damage.

    Diona (for shield/healing and elemental mastery) + Yae Miko + Beidou (electro damage) + Venti (for resistance shread).
    If you have Kokomi (i dont), you can use her instead for hydro reactions instead of elemental mastery.

    Sucrose also works, but her sucking ability is to weak to group up mobs.

  4. Is Mihoyo/hoyoverse doing this on purpose just because they know waifus will sell regardless? Making them either niche support or ok dmg dealers and making the guys more useful support and main dps like Itto, Gorou and now Ayato which is probably gonna be a main dps.

    Its just something I noticed they've been doing recently, and yeah there are exceptions like Thoma, but we haven't had main dps waifu with 100% field time since Ayaka imo. I hope they don't ruin Yelan mang

  5. Yae Miko has proven very dissapointing at C0, with a costly elemental burst that can easily be outdamaged by even 4 star units with much more manageable energy costs, an elemental skill with poor energy generation (making the burst issue even worse), targeting issues, long deployment times without any kind of protection (i-frames/hyperarmor), as well as requiring as much on-field time as a dedicated main damage unit in order to be properly buffed.

    Her passive talents also have problems, as her passive talent 1 requires her to redeploy her elemental skill after using her elemental burst instead of a much more practical effect of simply refreshing totem duration, and her passive talent 2 increases her elemental skill damage based on her elemental mastery stat, which has really low value for any electro units as transformative reactions suffer from low scaling, no critical hits and internal cooldowns.

    A much better ability would be to base the damage scaling on energy recharge, therefore motivating players to use weapons such as the Oathsworn Eye, Hakushin Ring and Favonius Codex, as well as the Emblem of Severed Fate artifact set, since the ratio between damage and burst uptime would be much more balanced.

    Overrall, Yae Miko at C0 really has no role to fill that can't already be better filled by Fischl and Beidou, which have comparable if not better off field damage and much more manageable energy costs.

    Not only that, but locking her energy regeneration potential behind her first constellation seems disingenuous, as the company is basically creating a problem with their unit that can only be fixed by actively spending money, which is a very insidious business model that seeks to act on the gray area at the limits of the Chinese regulations.

    I love the character, don't get me wrong, but she has obvious problems that can't be overlooked.

  6. TBH, if leaks are true, she was designed with a specific Dendro character in mind, alongside Dendro resonance and Dendro+Electro…

    Many might be regretting not getting her similar to Kazuha or Kokomi, but we'll see in the future….

    (I mean, isn't it weird we have an EM based ascension talent on her?)

    In the meantime, I am using Support TTDS ToM Yae. You can try it for yourself.

  7. I think that Yae Miko does have a narrow niche outside of Raiden teams: replacing Beidou in taser teams against single-target content. It's hard to justify pulling for a character just for the rare cases where Mihoyo decides to stuff Abyss with single target enemies, but it is a niche. It's similar to the niche that Shenhe finds herself in.

    Now, that said, I frequently run a Kokomi taser team and I'm not planning to pull for Yae Miko. I have Hu Tao and melt Ganyu to wreck single target enemies; I don't need a clunky catalyst subDPS to pair with my clunky catalyst healer/carry.

  8. I want to say I have loved her ever since v1.5 CN livestream but sadly Miko isn't worth the primogems she is riddled with bugs and her Skill isn't rewarding to use, it feels tiring EEE Q EEE it just doesn't feel good after a few minutes of game play. Not to mention but you can also be attacked during its use there are no iFrames (like Mona) and since she has low HP you will almost be one-shot and CC with knock-back from heavy hits. It's also frustrating that Yae Miko's Skill (Sesshou Sakura) targets cooking-pots, fireplaces, torches, fruit trees/bushes and other odd objects. Yae Miko’s damage is NOT the problem.

    She can be easily fixed just make these changes:

    1. Her Burst resets the duration of the Skill (like Kokomi)
    2. Give her some kind of protection if you insist on us having to place the Skill 1 by 1 – also at no point would we want only one Sesshou Sakura on the field so it makes NO sense to only have a single placement ability!!
    3. Fix the A.I. that her Sesshou Sakura use to only target enemies NOT random objects
    4. As for the Kagura Verity since it's her weapon just match it to her fixes/rework

    These are VERY easy fixes, I can't understand why Yae Miko was made like this please fix her. I can't with good faith recommend Genshin Impact anymore if this is Hoyoverse's new direction to be after money more so than making great characters and an immersive game that is fun to play. I have even thought about refunding all my purchases on my main account and to stop playing even though I greatly enjoy Genshin Impact. I hope whoever reads this understands the seriousness of all this.

    Please use this video as a more comprehensive explanation – https://youtu.be/y5W28TpqVcg

    Thank you, please have a great day.

  9. Before I completely discount my miko as invalid, I really want to test her in several teams

    Hu Yae Fischl XQ
    Venti Yae Fischl Bennett
    And other variations that make use of her very specific moveset

  10. I really appreciate all the videos you release, I used to have less than 160 primogems a day, because i'd always pull. I currently have 26k Primogems. Waiting for Kazuha and Ayato

  11. UH!? Why would making her "meta" be bad when people are going to roll for her anyway (or not)? It's not like the "meta" actually matter at all for anyone that doesn't SUCK at the game?
    This guy is inventing his own problems.. and continues to make pointless videos for the ad revenue.


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