His Rain Swords are so satisfying | Genshin Impact February 10, 2024 by @F2p_kun Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn His Rain Swords are so satisfying | Genshin Impact #shorts #genshinimpact #genshin source
If you want more related videos join our discordLink in channel description 😊 And it's not a skill nuke , IT'S A NORMAL DPS BUILD Reply
If you want more related videos join our discord
Link in channel description 😊
And it's not a skill nuke , IT'S A NORMAL DPS BUILD
Wtf bruh your xq insane 😩😩😩
What's the cirt bro
Average 😰
Yelan who?
You really loves big numbers 🗿
show build
also, That Xq is idk
That ain't Xingqui thats Yelan in Furina's clothes
+999% Dmg Buff from Outfit