Highest Point in Watatsumi Island Genshin Impact – Granny Komaki Fortune Location (Day 1)

Highest Point in Watatsumi Island Genshin Impact Granny Komaki Fortune Location Day 1 guide shows you where to find the highest point in watatsumi island and claim a hidden reward chest hidden there. To start this daily reset task in Genshin Impact, first you’ll have to start and complete Divine Plant of the Depths world quest at the Bourou Village Elder.

00:00 Divine Plant of the Depths Location
01:13 Granny Komaki Day 1 Task
02:04 Highest Point in Watatsumi Island
02:23 Unlocking Hidden Chest
05:09 Outro

#GenshinImpact #Komaki


1 thought on “Highest Point in Watatsumi Island Genshin Impact – Granny Komaki Fortune Location (Day 1)”

  1. If you keep following the seelie @ 3:15ish (it goes up to the top of the roof) then find the other seelies hanging around the area, they light up the lamps for you and you don't have to run back and forth to an electrogranum.


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