Here's The Thing About Dehya… | Genshin Impact

Genshin Imapct Dehya just came out and there are some glaring issues. In this video we will go over everything you need to know about Dehya and her struggles.



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45 thoughts on “Here's The Thing About Dehya… | Genshin Impact”

  1. Her taking the damage isn't the issue she even heals herself pretty good, but max she does like 50% mitigation, which just means your team is still getting slapped by chamber 12-3 you're team mates will likely be dead, her burst is cool but it takes her interrupt off the field! Meaning she can get slapped arround, if you jump or get frozen and are forced to jump you lose your burst and don't recast firey sanctum. These stupid bugs and poor planning won't get fixed with an artifact she is busted in a bad way. Even as a 'standard' hoyo is saying their standard is detriment to the team, they did this girl seriously dirty…

  2. I usually defend developers and think modern gamers are impossible to please.

    I can’t this time. She is absolutely horrible. I cannot find any logic that explains her being this bad.

    If I were to wager a guess, she was meant to be a burning trigger, but they didn’t know how to make that work … so they pivoted.

  3. idk why hoyo just not let her prock the additional hits what u do whit her e ore normal attack when in her burs..its fine if the normal burst attacks not prock xq,yelan cuz its an animation not a normal attack, hoyo did her dirty..sajj

  4. me here skipping dehya "hoping" baizhu will help cyno work thru the need of a long lasting dendro applying orbital cuz circle impact is the worst and nahida doesnt work in multiwave scenarios which outside of bosses its always multiwave.

  5. I pulled today and got her c1 and her signature weapon. I'm currently following Braxophone's burst damage build and using emblem of severed fate to supplement her ER problems.

    Honestly she doesn't feel as bad as I had thought. Granted characters should be evaluated at c0 and without their signature weapons and it doesn't excuse what hoyo did. She does seem to work well with nahida and kokomi too.

  6. So now people aren't just coping with a future artefact set, they'r coping with possible kits of future characters ? When will the grasping for straws stop ? When will the coping stop, 5 years from now when genshin is done ?

  7. 🌸😹It could not be observed “austerity” with respect to myself, and thus I but C6’d her immediately as humanly possible upon her arrival!

    I do not linger betwixt the fervor of vitriol that has enveloped the community and bit find the character quite enjoyable!😹🌸

  8. Anyone know if her skill has any special interactions when stacked on top of both Bennett's and Jean's bursts? Dehya sunfire sounds like it could be interesting, but I don't have Dehya to try it.

  9. I enjoy her with double Hydro Yoimiya. Easy set up but not too easy at the same time. Enough to 36 stars. I can’t wait for Dehya’s artifact.

  10. Walrus you should do a video with how CN feels about the situation. I'm just curious for this one bc their opinion matters more than ours om this stuff.

    I heard they don't like Dehya much so that could explain why she's so bad. But a detailed video on that thought process would be interesting

  11. i played the same team with melt rosaria burning before, but i used bennet instead cuz rosaria could snapshot the buff. Bringing in dehya in there feels painful lmao, dmg loss for rosaria and more chance of dying

  12. Walrus, you are pinning a lot of your hopes and dreams on Baizhu. What if he turns out to be a 5-star that doesn't work with Dehya either? What if he's more like Noelle or Diona, shielders who heal?

  13. So many are shying away from calling it how it is in fear of angering the few over-coped Dehya mains or because they don't want to call a character bad. "She does damage but not enough"? That's one way of putting it. Another would be that her multipliers are so embarrassingly low that she is useless as a carry. She's just plain bad! Her damage is bad. Her damage mitigation is not unique nor needed because there are 4 stars that do it better. And if you're hoping the new 3.6 artifact set will fix her, I have more bad news. As it now stands, the increase is of around 2%. Her multipliers are just too low.
    I like her design and story too but as a playable character she's bottom of the barrel holding hands with Aloy.

  14. @EroticWalrus I have no complaints with Dehya aside from the frequency of her co ordinated attacks. (They should be like Raiden's skill)

    As a Dehya haver I don't want to make a big deal about this because it's just a character in a game. But if i wanted to go full drama queen like y'all i'd say this:

    "Do you know what the saddest thing about ALL of this is?…….. Dehya could of been the 5 star Bennett……."

    Longer lasting bennett buff.
    bigger range (Like Ganyu ult)
    Punchy punch as skill (like Diluc skill)

    That's what i'd of done making Dehya.

    But she might be my new main dps after maining Eula for 2 years (although it's pretty hard to bench Eula. My triple crowned 90 Eula slaps.)

  15. I think the biggest problem is that she's a 4-star masquerading as a 5-star.

    I have the theory that they changed her rarity and little else just to fill a slot for a new character, but really, who knows…

  16. Okay so if shes not built to do some kind of damage, then make it so that every burst punch heals the party for a percentage of damage dealt. Such a cool burst but such little use for it without damage. She doesnt have to be a main dps. She could still he like jean. A supportive character but with a viability to do some damage. And someone like tuonto can c6 r5 her and turn her into a godly character

  17. send this to hoyo now:

    Dehya's state is ridiculous. I demand a patch fix asap. I don't even understand how could you screw this up so badly. Dehya needs not just a buff, but a complete rework.

    The mechanics of this character are
    just some kind of clown fiesta and
    I'm not even talking about her
    scales and stats… She's not
    unpleasant, she's IMPOSSIBLE to
    play. Why does her ult take E when
    the only way to avoid interruption in
    squads with her is this field, since
    units with shields with her do not
    make sense and then what little E
    does makes no sense? Why can her
    E cast, which grants interrupt
    resistance, be interrupted by itself?
    Why does her ult take her E if the
    only way she can restore her energy
    is with this skill? What else
    character in the game can't
    regenerate energy to himself with
    his ultimate ability? Why does her
    ult cost 70 energy when it can't be
    properly charged, normal attacks in
    it are not considered normal
    attacks, cannot be accelerated and
    work with any skill that works with normal attacks (hello Xing Qiu and
    Yelan), and instead it gives damage
    close to a flaming flower and lasts 4
    seconds with a cd of 18? Why can
    an ult be interrupted even with a
    FREAKING JUMP when the game
    mechanics sometimes require you
    to do that, like pop a bubble or get
    out of a freeze?!??! Why does her E
    deal damage to the top of the
    enemy hitbox, causing many
    enemies with high hitboxes to not
    even activate the functions of the
    only squad she could play in, unable
    to explode buds? Why does the
    interrupt protection not last for the
    whole duration of E? Why does a
    five-star character whose
    constellations directly indicate that
    her role is a Main DPS have the lowest
    damage scaling parameters IN THE
    ENTIRE GAME? Normal attacks? I
    won't even talk about it. They are
    nonexistent. Pitiful attack speed,
    worst DPS.

    Why this particular 5* character
    performs much worse than any
    existing 4* both mechanically and
    practically? Why is she so absurdly
    illogical and bad in every way? Why
    is she so raw?
    To hell with practicality,
    interactions, mechanics, scaling and
    strength…. Why are there bugs even
    in the idle animation of the
    character?! The sound of her lines,
    stretching and moaning can
    continue until the end of the line
    while she is just standing in a stock
    pose without animations, both in
    exploration mode and character
    view, despite the interruption of the
    animation by the start of the
    movement, opening the window or
    the pause menu.
    Why is there a bug that she can use
    her ult and stand on the water
    surface? Isn't this crazy ridiculous?
    Jumping totally cancels her useless,
    unrechargeable expensive burst
    with unjustifiably long cd, but this
    doesn't? Did you gave up on her in
    the middle of programming? Did
    you ever test her at all? How can
    this be in the live version of the
    Am I a tester in some kind of alpha
    test, or is this character already in
    the public access of the game and
    you are asking decent money for

    How the hell did you do that?
    HOW?! Why is everything so bad
    with this character? Why is she the
    only one with whom everything is so
    bad? Did you make it during your
    lunch break? Why is everything so
    ill-conceived, contradictory, stupid,
    buggy with this particular
    character? Why is it such a big step
    back with her?

    Dehya is the character that probably deserved the most love and the most care out of every other character in the genshin community. Yet you made her the worst 5 star ever.

    Here's the reality. The real problem is not Dehya herself, the real problem is that you just did this to a 5 star worth equivalent to a Raiden Nahida or Yelan. Both units cost the same like 100 or 200$ or whatever but you get almost no value out of Dehya. Her looks are not enough to make a good unit. Do you even understand this concept?

    Just look at your like/
    dislike ratio on her trailer video and look at the amount of despair what we
    get since her release. This has never
    ever happened throughout the entire
    history of Genshin. The whole
    community already understands how bad Dehya is. It's time for you to accept, recognize and adress the fact that she's bad in a fix mid patch. And do it MID patch and not AFTER her run is over. I ask for a fix IMMEDIATELY or else i will STOP playing your game FOR GOOD.


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