Dehya's Banner Sales Are… | Genshin Impact

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38 thoughts on “Dehya's Banner Sales Are… | Genshin Impact”

  1. I summoned on Yelan's banner to get C1 (I was considering C2 since I already had her weapon), but I also summoned for Dehya and her weapon because the only other character I am waiting for is the Hydro Archon, which is many months away.
    I am low on primogems now but the only thing I may summon on is Nahida if she get's a rerun (I already have her C0, so it would be for C1 or even C2 if I get lucky).
    As a Welkin /BP player, I can say from experience that you don't have to spend a lot in this game if you play daily and save up!

    Anyway, good video!

  2. This is CN Sales and they don't have much complain vs what the Global are bitching about. Have you check CN forums there not much complain same goes for Bilibili….. Since CN knew Dehya is Standard banner they knew she not going to get a buff…put rage summon or not …ppl just summon to get her

  3. Mihoyo definitely has banners they expect to sell less (as an example, Yoimiya). If you track where they are placed, it’s usually between archon or popular character banners that are expected to sell well. There’s two main reasons why they do it: one, to smooth earnings and make their cash flow seem less volatile. Second, to allow people to skip banners and make money to spend again.

  4. These are actually very bad numbers. As we expected, Hoyoverse itself included.
    Dehya + Cyno 1st rerun banner is basically on par with old and single character banners.
    They know exactly what they are doing.

  5. Who knew that if you run 2 of the strongest AND most popular characters who also both have powerful personal weapons you'd end up with the highest grossing banner ever, how shocking…
    As for Dehya and Cyno, they're about at the point I expected. Most of their sales are probably being pushed by whales who need to C6 everyone and everything as well as people who wanted to get Dehya's signature weapon which is actually pretty decent.

  6. My theory is, there are more players.
    That explains how the good banners manage to have higher peaks but also means Dehya is doing absolutely terrible. With a double banner (and two good weapons btw) she barely manages to beat single banners of unpopular characters released when the playerbase was a half of the current.

  7. i ended up just saving my primos when she being standard is announced; thats also because Shenhe and Ayaka is long awaited characters for me thus i need them to guarantee both.
    i still can guarantee another 5* i think am gonna use it on Nilou, always loved her design.

  8. I definitely decided to pull for hu tao due to that and the choice to bring her to standard for sure. I wanted a pyro carry, and all the others are mid to bad, so finally decided welp, guess I'll pick up the only one that's ever really been good.

  9. Well that's CN and they always find a value in every character. In fact they consider Cyno as a meta. Beside a comfort character like Dehya is what they wanted coz their character are very strong already and they only want defesive unit.

  10. What makes hutao + yelan banner is the highest selling banner:

    – hutao (long time since her last rerun)
    – yelan
    – good 4 star (xq+beidou) + already told in the beginning of 3.4
    – homa + aqua (+ decent 4 star)
    – alhaitham had poor reputation in beta + 4 star not so great
    – dehya + 4 star bad

    They're clearly set up this liyue banner to be the highest selling banner

  11. Its better to compare dehya to 3.x banners cause playerbase has grown significantly since 2.x so basically dehya is the worst banner of 3.x so far and this is a double banner with a new character and is lower than a kokomi/ganyu rerun which is a double old units and maybe the worst weapon banner.

  12. i'm not surprised that Hu Tao and Yelans banners sales went up on the last few weeks after Dehya's was revealed on the 3.5 live stream because Dehya wanters must be disappointed that she's so weak so they pulled for Hu Tao instead since she's still the strongest Pyro DPS but i was surprised on how good her banner sales was i guess people who don't care about numbers or meta are still happy to get her plus i have to admit she does have a great story and personality

  13. well yeah, I myself am an example, I had planned on pulling for Dehya, had 110 wishes saved up and was at pity, but when I realised she was terrible, I went for Yelan, got her, then got SOH, then Hu tao's C1 XD, without paying a single penny that is XD, I won all the 50/50s, I'm kinda glad Dehya turned out bad because of that, definitely my luckiest pulls since I started playing.

  14. It also makes sense it's not the absolute lowest, because of hype. You gotta figure there's tons of people (like myself) that saved just for her vs Kokomi/Yoimiya/etc. Even if she's bad people rolled before it was proven she was terrible (MYSELF INCLUDED WHO DIDNT GET ALHAITHUM DJIFHDIEOAOOANAWWOSNDDN). And the game should just have more people now compared to when Klee came out. And there was slightly less pressure to spend or wait like Venti getting picked over Kazuha. Keeping things like that in mind, this is the worst banner imo. Still praying the fix Dehya but it's not likely.

  15. Who cares how well she sold she still sucks tbh, as always i wish she was good,i wish she didn't had the problems she does but she just does and even if she'd be top selling banner that wouldn't change it unfortunately,her set won't change it nothing will unless they do a direct buff which they never do.
    That being said Dehya/Cyno banners did more than i tought too. Then again if you think about it the banners from the past were solo not double so it's understandable these banners beat the solo banners, if Dehya and Cyno were solo too they'd probably both be bottom.


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