Here Are THE WORST Units In Genshin Impact & Why Players REFUSE To Play Them…

Genshin Impact is constantly expanding on their character rosters. However, there are some that are severely underutilized, but why is that?



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24 thoughts on “Here Are THE WORST Units In Genshin Impact & Why Players REFUSE To Play Them…”

  1. Idk maybe I’m just not in the “late” game at ar 58 and only do the abyss for the rewards when I feel like it. But the “meta” players seem to take this video game too seriously lol

  2. That is the flaw of "meta" to ignore how important the value of compatibility in playstyle to output of efficiency is just mathematically wrong. Many of the meta units have very awkward playstyles that require awkward mechanics like animation cancelling. If a character has to animation cancel to be good then their kit is not functional as is factually. Animation canceling is exploiting frames to improve functionality. If a character "needs" to animation cancel to be at full capacity I am calling that a huge flaw in their playstyle/kit because that is a factual observation, it also assumes everyone who plays knows how to animation cancel or wants to rely upon glitching frames to move faster. Been playing for 3 years I don't animation cancel at all and have no desire to, none of the characters I use need to animation cancel because they have fluid kits that are to be used as is without obscure mechanics that were not intended by the developers like animation cancelling. I have played some games where animation cancelling is an intended function like strangers of paradise final fantasy origin and a couple others but I don't rely upon glitches to play because that is technically akin to using external issues and flaws in programming to play better and therefore I would even consider it a form of cheating.

  3. It’s probably a mistake to interpret this data as reflective of “meta” players. It’s likely that some of the players who clear day 1 and submit their data for their clears are possibly whales, who can sometimes ignore meta. Thus, this probably a mixture of meta and investment.

  4. I know its youtube and all and there is some need to make click-bait-ish titles but i must say useage rate has very little to do with how good/bad a character is. its also obvious from the numbers that CN players care more about "ease of play" than actual character performance/effectiveness/etc..

  5. The only "Bad" character is definitely Dehya, can we at least agree on that? Cuz you know her kit…

    Imo there's no bad, but time and time again, it's shown that certain characters just lose their value for what the Abyss demands, since its constantly changing towards a bias of what team is specifically needed.

    If there's one team that's proven all the odds however, is mono geo. Since the debut of itto, ive been using him for abyss and always 36* because of his team. Its just too broken for me. Now there's another component that also has proven to be worth, Dendro as a whole. Dendro reactions is just a staple for the game now, I would even say its over tweaked, but it is the same reason why a lot of characters that don't aligned with dendro just don't shine as much.

  6. 1) Sometimes a unit/comp is popular, because it is popular, this is known as winner-take-all effect. My point being, it is possible that a meta-disruptive character/comp already exist, but the playerbase is still playing "safe" by picking teams which they see are popular but that reinforces the popularity of those team.

    2) Certain characters get penalized for being pulled by people that didn't want them in the first place. That's the reason why characters like Sucrose and Fishl seem to have a much lower usage than a more objetive review of their power level would suggest.
    Here's a list from most likely to be built, to least likely to be built:
    1 – Limited Banner 5 star characters: If you're pulling for a limited 5*, it's basically guaranteed you'll be building it.
    2 – Standard Banner 5 star: Especially newer players get really excited about 5* characters, even if they're standard.
    3 – 4 star characters: It's very likely that you already got a 4* character that you didn't wanna build just by "accident".
    4 – Free characters: A character given for free, will be in 100% of the accounts, so there's just much more chance for people to have it not to build it.

    That is to say, "common" (as in, more often present in players' accounts) characters, will tend to have a lower average usage rate than "rarer" characters. It just doesn't make sense for units like Cyno, Wanderer and Tighnary to be considered more "meta" than Fishl, seeing how not only those are all on-field characters while Fishl is off-field (and therefore way more flexible), but Fishl just fits way, way more team archetypes (including hyper-bloom, which is basically the gold-standard for F2P meta).

  7. The path of least resistance is to use the characters you have built. It's all well and good to say such and such a character is better, but if you do not have that character or do not have good artifacts, that meta character will not perform.

    It's how mihoyo extracts money from you if you get sucked in to getting the meta characters.

  8. Yeah also, don't really look at the ranking of things like Gorou, Faruzan, Shenhe, Yun Jin things like that. They are universally known as the best buffers for their niche. The only reason they are lower on the list is because they are only good in that certain niche for example. Gorou only gets used in geo comps, but he is one of the best characters to include into one with defense scalings.

  9. Looking at this tier list makes me very sad. Wanted Layla and Kuki constellations but Hoyoverse gave me 5 Doris. She's now c6 and I have no reason to put her in comp. My Layla and Kuki are one constellation away from their best constellations


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