GOOD NEWS For F2P!! 70 Free Pulls for Arlecchino in version 4.6 – Genshin Impact

Version 4.6 is coming out soon and in this video you will find out how many primogems you can get for the entire 4.6 update

Music: Genshin Impact OST

Version 4.6 will launch on April 24th along with the Arlecchino banner, and in this video, you will find out how many primogems we will be able to get throughout the entire 4.6 update. This time there will be significantly more primogems than in version 4.5, and this amount should be enough to reach the soft pity. Update 4.6 will start on April 24th and will last 42 days. By completing daily commissions during this period, we will be able to obtain, 2520 primogems. For server maintenance, we will receive 600 primogems. Main event will give us 1000 primogems and a free Gorou. For the remaining 3 events of version 4.6, we will get, 1260 primogems. 4.7 livestream codes will provide 300 primogems. Also, in version 4.6, we can expect a new location that will be divided into two parts: above-ground and underground. The underground part will be called Remuria and strongly resembles Enkanomiya. There will be many ways to obtain primogems such as discovering treasure chests, activating teleport waypoints, and completing world quests. It has been confirmed that this new area will have 22 teleport waypoints and 1 statue of the seven. And We will be able to get about 1890 primogems from exploration in version 4.6. Spiral abyss will be reset three times during the update, which is another 1800 primogems. If you don’t complete it, subtract this amount from the total. Arlecchino and Cyno story quests, 120 primogems. Test runs for four characters, 80 Primogems. 80 Primogems for daily Hoyolab check in. We will receive about 240 primogems from web events and redemption codes. Paimon’s bargains reset will allow you to get 5 intertwined and 5 acquaint fates. In total, we will get, 9890 primogems, 5 intertwined and 5 acquaint fates. If we transfer all this into Intertwined Fates, we get about 70 wishes. On which character will you spend these wishes? Let me know in the comments, thanks for watching and bye everyone.

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#genshinimpact #genshin #arlecchino


11 thoughts on “GOOD NEWS For F2P!! 70 Free Pulls for Arlecchino in version 4.6 – Genshin Impact”

  1. waaaaait, can you please a video on phase 1 so in case she is in phase 1, and won't there be any offering system like the lumenspar in the chasm? And when do they add the one time domains???


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