GOOD NEWS!! 10,370 PRIMOGEMS FOR CLORINDE AND FURINA IN Version 4.7 – Genshin Impact

GOOD NEWS!! 10,370 PRIMOGEMS FOR CLORINDE AND FURINA IN Version 4.7 – Genshin Impact

Curious about how many primogems you’ll get in version 4.7? Well, i bet most of the players are going to wish for either clorinde or Furina in the first and second phase banners. so, if you plan to make wishes on these banners, you’ll likely need a substantial amount of primogems. But don’t worry! Version 4.7 will bring lots of new stuff, which means lots of primogems too. In this video, we’ll talk about how many primogems you can expect to get in version 4.7. Hopefully, these primogems will help you get your favorite characters!

Okay, let’s begin with the basics. After updating your game to Version 4.7, you’ll automatically get 600 primogems. Just so you’re aware, the servers will be down for a few hours before you can log in and play the game. But don’t worry, as compensation, all players will receive 600 primogems from Mihoyo.

Now, onto the less exciting but steady source of primogems: daily missions. You can earn 60 primogems per day. Since version 4.7 will last for 42 days, that’s 42 times 60, which equals 2,520. So, if you log in daily and complete your dailies, you can get 2,520 primogems just from those tasks.

Let’s talk about the events now. In the first half of version 4.7, there will be two events. One big event and one small event. The main event of 4.7 will give you around 1000 primogems and a free weapon. the small event will give 420 primogems. In the second phase, we will see 2 more events, each giving 420 primogems. So, in total, you’ll get 2,260 primogems from the events.

the shop will reset once, meaning if you have 375 stardusts, you can easily grab yourself 5 intertwined fates or 800 primogems.

the spiral abyss will reset three times in version 4.7. I know some of you have a massive skill issue, so let’s take floor 11 as the end. so in total, you will get 1350 primogems.

there will be a new end game content in version 4.7. it’s called β€œimaginarium theater”. The first clear will give you 1100 primogems + 620 primogems after clearing the stages. the imaginarium theater will reset twice in version 4.7. But sadly, after the second reset, you will only be getting 620 primogems. so in total that’s 2340 primogems.

since we’re getting clorinde’s and Sigewinne’s story quests, that’s 120 primogems in the bag.

The character trial runs will give you 80 primogems in total.

version 4.8 livestream will give you 300 primogems.

Now after adding all these numbers, you will get around 10,370 primogems or 65 intertwined fates and as for the first phase you will get 40 pulls. If you buy welkin moons, then you will have around 14,150 primogems or 88 intertwined fates. so that should be enough for at least one character. do let me know who you’re wishing for in the comments down below. Until next time!

#fontaine #genshinimpact #genshin


24 thoughts on “GOOD NEWS!! 10,370 PRIMOGEMS FOR CLORINDE AND FURINA IN Version 4.7 – Genshin Impact”

  1. I got Arlecchino with my last wish and started saving for Shenhe banner on 4.8. I have Welkin too. I hope I can get her. Currently I have 78 pulls and we still have 13 days of 4.6 patch. Let's see what will happen.


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