Today in Genshin Impact we’re finally doing God Mode Fischl.
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0:00 Finishing Fischl
2:59 Main DPS Physical Fischl
6:35 Main DPS Electro Fischl
9:40 Sub (OFD) Fischl
14:25 Final Thoughts
Ah to have Zhongli lmao I just play smarter without a shield. Guess they can’t hurt if they’re all dead asap 😅
welcome back to the party fischl- ANA-
yun jin with any bow character makes them a machine try putting her instead of yelan in the 4th u will be very impressed
Can you use jean C2 with eula is weapon and yun jen for massively speed
can you just upgrade amos bow and give it to ganyu…….. everytime I watch your videos and see that amos bow Im having a mental breakdown /hj
-> using fischl xingqiu and two buffers
"yeah this is an AOE team"
For Sub-DPS Fischl try using Elegy, she can activate the ATK boost very easily
Fischl Guide from a Fischl Main:
You want to build her ATK/Phys/CRIT with 4-piece Pale Flame or 4-piece Shimenawa or 2-piece Pale Flame + 2-Piece Bloodstained. Best bows for physical Fischl are: Compound Bow, Mitternachtz Walts, Skyward Harp.
Same with physical but switch her cup to Electro DMG (ATK/Electro/CRIT). The Mitternachtz Walts will be a great option (again). Thundering Pulse and bows for physical Fischl can work.
Charged Shot:
Charged shot Fischl is a unique build. Stats you want are ATK/Electro/CRIT. Artifact set is 4-piece Wanderer’s Troupe. Amos Bow, Thundering Pulse, Hamayumi will be great options for this build.
I use charged shot Fischl and how it works is you shoot Oz with a fully charged charge shot and he will do Thundering Retribution to an enemy. So it’s only good for single targets. You can use the Crescent but I don’t recommend it because you won’t land weak spot damage with Oz.
I got her on Yae's banner and didn't pull more on it🤣.
I want her but she doesn’t wanna come home :(( i have her at my NA acc but i want her on my Asia acc
fischl was the first character I got c6 and she used to be my main carry. I ran her as a physical dps with rust and got to about 15 to 20 k on her autos. it's really easy to boost her damage in ways that don't require you to spend 10 years in domains, and as you're going through the story her physical damage is way more useful than any 1 element. that's why I believe her to be the best solo main when you just start out in the game. because you can just give all your resources to her, pair her with good supports that are barely built, and run through the early story with ease.
I'm at a point now where I have many 5* carries, with good weapons and artifacts. and it took me a while to take the physical set off of fischl, because I used her all game but now she was never actually better than one of my 5 cost elemental damage carries. After swapping her to an off-field support build however, she is in nearly all my teams again. so she's an incredibly versatile unit for any player, regardless of their time in the game and acquired resources.
bru i love your voice i always play your videos so go to sleep ever since i found ur videos i always look forward to the next vid ❤️
U have to use her again but with her signature bow
this machine gnu comp hurts me inside, when the only bow characters i have is amber and gorou, and i pulled the skyward harp from the standard banner
ps, im saving for yoimiya if she gets a rerun, and if i dont get her, i will literally dedicate my whole genshin experience to geetting her on her next banner
why is he not using amos bow for ganyu
This has nothing to do with this video, it has something to do with your kazuha, why are you (at the time of writing this) using a dull blade on him?
man know whats hes doing 69
Try physical fischl with yelan or xinqiu
Fischl is one of the few old 4* I don't have, I can't wait to get her in 2.8 🎉
You underestimate fish ult dmg my man's
You should probably try a sucrose, xingqiu, fischl, and diona
she'll always be my favourite genshin character
I remember really loving Fischl’s design when I first started playing. Glad you godmoded her!
When you don’t have Fischl…
the fact that he got dream solvent in every weekly boss he did in this video lol
For electro you can also just run her as on field driver in taser style comp with Kazuha, same as people do for Sucrose in Sucrose taser. Beidou and Xingqiu appreciate ranged attackers so works nicely. Obviously any type of Sara showcase will have the numbers everyone craves but for clear times its hard to beat that team for Electro on field carry, especially against mobs. Keeping Xingqiu(/Yelan) and hydro infuse your anemo also allows for her A4 to proc consistently when shes on field.
Thank you thank you so much you deserve the world im a fischl main and my brother says deserves that shes a weirdo and trash and personality sucks i just want her to get love she is underrated she NEEDS TO BE LOVED it makes me sad how ppl dont like fischl and how some dont use her or just dont have her PLEASE SHOW HER MORE LOVE PPL PLS
God mode kuki next?