Genshin Revolutionized Gaming | Genshin Impact

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29 thoughts on “Genshin Revolutionized Gaming | Genshin Impact”

  1. one of then game not post to be on that list i like to know which one it is but all joke a side i kinder happy that we get more game like this maybe one of then game can give a run of it money which will make genshin feel like they need to do something before people jump ship

  2. Now

    We just wait for candy crush open world XD jkjk maybe

    But in all seriousness I will try these games but I will still be maining genshin just because I've been with mihoyo since honkai and their new future games so called fps mobile anime COD XD and star rails but I can't wait to try out these new open worlds

  3. A lot of people said that Genshin for gatcha RPGs is basically the same as WOW was for MMOs – introduced a lot of players to the genre and pushed it forward. It is also pretty cool that Genshin isn't really that grindy and doesn't really have many paywalls compared to other gatchas and still (or most likely because of it) is crazy succsessfull – that gives developers strong motivation to also make their games like that (I think even some exsisting gatchas are trying to move in this direction).

    I'm pretty stocked to check out some copycats, probably not all will be good but I'm sure we will get some winners.

  4. Copying is easy. Success? That's a whole other thing. I agree, competition would be good for us, light a fire under MHY's cushy office chairs, make them work to retain our loyalties. No more anniversary fiascos.

    That said, I have to wonder… how much will these clones succeed? Obviously the breaking point is their monetization model. The reason I love Genshin is deeply personal, it's been the first gacha game where I felt it was possible for me to own all the characters, eventually. I have 41/48 now. I've won Venti just last night on roll 54 (if anyone must wish me anything now… tell me to break every bone in my body, I'm going for an Ayato sweep!). Point is, I feel like I can eventually have them all, and it won't take $1000+. I'm a $40 a month dolphin. This is very uncommon for me on a gacha game.

    Past that, Genshin in my opinion hit a genre sweet spot as if guided by a laser. It's a "new IP" gacha, fantasy genre, with that OLD "Theme park MMORPG" vibe, that is, its various locations are based on different cultures, giving every area the vibe of a theme park "zone" with various themed attractions. That's important, since it gives the setting the license to give players a variety of things.

    You cannot underestimate the importance of the fact that Genshin is not attached to any other franchise (like Seven Deadly Sins), but also not married to a central concept like for example Azur Lane, which is a re-telling of WW2 with the characters based on naval warships. Those limit appeal! Genshin also has something for EVERYONE in its character designs. You have your Waifus, but also Husbandos (a lot of gachas are much more waifu heavy), you have such a wide array of anime archetypes, that every player can find something or someone to be fond of, and that emotional connection is important. I could talk about the other reasons, but I won't. I will say I wish them well, but their success is not guaranteed.

  5. If anything i'm just glad companies like Ubisoft or Activision hasn't tried to make a gacha game. Technically. I mean loot boxes exist, and sports game are gachas already. Frick maybe everythings screwed.

  6. Tower of fantasy might become bigger than people think.
    It made something like 18 million in one month and that was just the Chinese market since its available only there.

  7. Technically, you are right
    After Genshin, many game studio follow the example especially Gacha Game. Now, the game will be more "like a game" than just 2D characters fighting in a field or something

    While that type of game is not BAD it's hard to justify the earnings with the lack of quality some of it has

  8. I sort of get disappointed by the competition because yeah the trailer looks dope as hell but I know the game won’t be like that. Example tower of fantasy, I was watching some gameplay from the beta and yeah the combat specifically looks very dynamic, but the mobs looked like punching bags from what I saw (I could just have not watched up to date content) also with other gacha games you need like 60 shards of something to assend them and all these weird complicated systems made to bait people to spend. At least with genshin there are really no bad characters, some games they have like 3* units that you don’t even use besides unit leveling fodder. Also genshin has so many dynamic events, like the Mario maker, theater mechanicus, and wind trace. Yeah maybe not everyone’s cup of tea, but I can’t picture other games reaching the broad appeal genshin does. I will try any new game because once you’re out of resin, you can just bounce to a new game.

  9. Genshin used to be a game I played daily, I loved it. Nowadays, I am so burned out that I just cant find the motivation to play anymore. Even after spending thousands of dollars and using that as my excuse to having to keep playing just wasn't enough. The gameplay loop is getting old for me, knowing that eventually it will come down to some updates or periods before the next update being really good, and some so dull that I feel like pulling my hair out. I have not uninstalled Genshin from my PC. But to be honest, I might as well.

  10. I'm not particularly interested in gacha games and I have never played another gacha game besides Genshin. I like Genshin because of all it's other aspects, it just so happens to have a gacha system. I wonder how much Genshin players are interested in gacha games in general.

  11. Sorry Valk, but I'd have to totally disagree. They may have inspired to push the genre to more broad audience, but they definatly haven't had any other impact outside of this sphere. These other games are most likely cash-grab open worlds while the fanbase is down and desperate, which is a smart move.

  12. You are going to be VERY happy you got Ayato. After him and Yelan there will be a hydro drought (pun intended) and they way they pair with the new Dendro characters and the new reaction Is supposed to overpowered


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