Genshin impact version 4.1 special program revealed 3rd year anniversary rewards and left the community with divided thoughts.
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This guys a f ing manece istg lmfao that mouth movement he was bouta say a lot 😭😭😭 @ 9:01
at this point it isn't surprising, it isn't funny, it won't ever change and people will continue coping more and more. most of the community doesn't complain because they're pavlov dogs, and that number tends to increase, this is why genshin will never be able to evolve into an acceptable f2p level and there's nothing we can do about it. it was sad 2 years ago, I don't care enough anymore.
Hahahahah I love that last part of the video Gacha Smack!
"im not playing dat shit enymore" well yea.. you are playing just other game from the SAME studio KEKW
After 3 years of this shit, I go into Genshin with the mindset of "you get what you get" and it's honestly not that bad. You can't get disappointed if you don't set any expectation.
Then again, I only login twice a month to do Abyss. Lmao
Honest Opinion smack 👍
I’ve said this before on reddit and I’ll say it here.
Leave it to hoyoverse to somehow give the SAME rewards they gave out the previous years (which no other game ever did as rewards always get better with each year).
Leave it to hoyoverse to make the biggest annual event look like just another patch.
And leave it to hoyoverse to take out the festive and celebratory vibes out of the anniversary where “they’re so thankful for their players” yet couldn’t be bothered to change a single damn thing about how they handle the anniversary.
bro spitting facts. These are damage control rewards and not anniversary rewards
Your like the ex that can’t let go… so they post on fb how awful their ex was as often as they can, then compare their ex to their new chick… let it go dude, you aren’t going to sway anyone’s opinion about genshin… the game is great and completely free… you moved on to HSR, your grass is “greener” this content is exactly why i stopped messing with Tectone… and although I’m 1 viewer, ima just follow your advice and see my way out… you had some of the dopest content, this mess just ain’t fun to watch… especially since I do still really enjoy genshin… I don’t ask for them to give me free stuff, at ANY moment I can stop spending on it and still enjoy the game… the game is FREE… so anniversary rewards of any kind are a plus… Summoners War been around for 10 years and every anniversary they release “special packs” you can buy giving you NOTHING free… he’ll Xmas they do the same… I guess if Genshin gave you a free 5 star people would still complain they didn’t give you their weapon too smh
You should make simple genshin team builds even if you dont like the game 😉
What do you say to genshin white knights that says hoyo is more generous in hsr since hsr has a smaller world to explore in contrast to genshins wide exploration capabilities.
it surely wouldnt have killed Genshin at all a Multi Billion Dollar Company, to make the Rewards for 3rd Year Anniversary something better.
20 Wishes are NOTHING, when 18 end up in trash 99% of all the time. This is only a reward decent for those people close to pity, where those wishes are enough to get a 5s Weapon or Character out of the Banners…and those that are saving for somethign that comes later maybe. Are 20 Pulls for a 3 year old game good, heck NO.
MHY shoudl increase the Number of Free Anniversary Pull Rewards every year by 10, that would be appropriate for an game that gets older n older, in order to help newer players CATCH UP.
1st Anniversary 10 Pulls
2nd 20 Pulsl
3rd should be now 30 Pulls
and so on and I'd have personally alot lesser reason to complain, even if that increase is not much, but it would show us, that MHY woudl take Anniversary rewards more serious and that they shoudl become logically better the odler the game becomes and not just get lazily repeated and in fact even become worser, than the rewards of previous years…
MHY hasn't reworked their Gacha System once in 3 years, when its totally overdue, that they finally rework their systems, because soon we get to the point they are forced to make Tripple Banner, just because of the constant increasign amount of Characters, while they can make only 8 patches per year, unless they increase as company and get more devs, to develop the patches even faster in a 4 week rhythm as example, which woudl allow them to do more patches per year to counter that way the ever increasign number of characters
But I dont see this ever happening.
its much more effective , cost efficient and easier to do, to finally completely rework the Gacha System to become better and on long terms more player friendly, than to completely change your worktime model and increase the dev team size.
the funny fact the anniversary rewards for honkai impact is better than genshin impact and it's the same company 😂😂😂
The department for genshin is the worlds best at gaslighting the community, to a point where the playerbase stand there on their knees and beg for more scraps, id say how disgusting that is if it wasnt that funny that the people actually are like that. Wp mihoyo.
The only thing I want hoyo to do to genshin is to fix the weapon banner's gacha. Make it same with star rail's lightcone gacha
i loved the live stream from story to characters but my god the time they spent on the anniversary rewards was less then a minute and those 20 pulls will sure help me get a 5 star. HSR till now has given 50 free pulls and more jades from events while genshin is just genshit
sort the comments by new, negative comments stop appearing after about an hour or two. Someone hiding em or they put banned words
I plan on quitting Genshin Impact(playing since 1.5) soon and having Honkai: Star Rail(playing since 1.0) as the only Hoyoverse game I'll ever play.
Having played a few other gacha games in the last few years, mainly Cygames' gachas (Granblue Fantasy, Uma Musume, Dragalia Lost) and seeing how generous they are with stream rewards, anniversary awards and certain events over there, makes Genshin look so pathetic in comparison.
I knew this was going to happen when the second anniversary happened nothing was going to change. I heard that we were going to get a five star people are going to get butt hurt of a week or so and move on and complain about something else
meanwhile we get in hsr 10 pulls every patch. thats 120 pulls a year. not counting the vast anount of jades we get per patch
Imagine being older than 12 and still playing genshin 😂
I had no expectations but still got disappointed
100 percent right. I'm just here for the drama. Genshins drama is still always fun to poke my head around even tho I stopped playing. I appreciate Genshin for the drama alone
There is a movement going on in the hispanic community to try and make hoyoverse realize some issues and work on them, mainly the treatment they give to players and the lack of effort and respect for the community. They Talk as if they were completely deattached from whats going on in the game, and they even say they are listening to out feedback. You might see something about this movement social media soon if it takes off well. The main form to protest its to promote no spendings, and sharing everything you dont like on social media.
As a little bonus, they added a 100% spanish dance on the concert for fontaine, representing France, which has nothing to do, and then mentioned It as an Easter egg that was apparently very funny to add. Its a sign of cultural ignorance, nonsense, or just wanting to make fun of a group of people who complain often.
Yeah genshin is not streamer friendly, after the grind it's just dailies and events per patch. The majority of the player base is not that angry because the majority of it doesn't even play it that hardcore. I for an example play 30 mins daily whatever the day it is because that's how much time i get between my studies and other chores. Streamers need to produce new content consistently where genshin impact feels short. Overall it's a casual game so it's understandable.
I quit genshin because it's just not working on my pc after fontaine update and tbh i don't even want to back although i miss some of the characters
genuine question:
how are you genshin stans genuinely gonna feel on the 4th,5th and even 6th anniversary and u get 20 pulls again? Y’all still gonna cope like this and defend the game. Let me give u some context. EVERY other gacha games anniversary give free 5 stars, free 5 star weapons, and MULTIPLE 10 PULLS.
Even FGO 8th Anniversary( Which was hot TRASH. ) gave out more pulls than Genshin 💀
I’m curious is this the same case in HI3?
Cause if Genshin is getting disappointing rewards per anniversary then I wonder if this is a common thing or not. Not to mention this will prep people for HSR anni rewards as well.
Those toddlers are literally getting 2 patches of HSR once per 12 months and are more happy than when I got Bronya and Clara in single 10 pull xD
The majority of Genshin community keep forgeting that the main story is still finding our sibling , yet they still stuck at filler section of the story like 3 years.
I suggest you starting a traveler-only playthrough, it's really fun and you won't be caring about gacha. No pressure, of course)
Look, bad anni rewards, fine. At LEAST fix the QOL shit, please? Genshin music IS dope though, but I don’t need to play Genshin to enjoy that lol. YouTube exists
I took a big break that lasted for most of Sumeru, recently i just quitted without even noticing,
The only possibility of Genshin being good in the future rests after all the archon quest is finished and there is no more exploration to be done.