Genshin Impact's New Player Experience Is Getting Worse

For today’s video I wanted to address Genshin Impact’s growing problem with how inaccessible new characters are, thus causing the game to have a terrible new player experience unless they do something about it. What ended up being its greatest strength is quickly turning into its greatest weakness.

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37 thoughts on “Genshin Impact's New Player Experience Is Getting Worse”

  1. There is a pretty easy solution that genshin already partially uses. Character trials. They already reward the materials for the first ascension, so make them reward up to the second or even third one. That way if you want to fully max out a character, you still have to explore, but you aren't stuck with a useless character on the journey

  2. As a new player that only plays now because my friend group plays, the new player experience is awful. The ascension material thing is stupid beyond words when they're selling new 5 stars to new players with no indication of which ones will literally be useless to them. Like as a new player, how are you meant to know you can't level Shenhe past 40 but you won't hit that roadblock if you waited for Ganyu or Zhongli(and I'm assuming for them, I don't actually know, just an example)? It's bad and it doesn't make you want to explore, it just makes you angry, I got "lucky" and pulled Shenhe first try when I just started playing and just needed a new character trying to get a main DPS and I was still pissed when I realized I basically wasted a 10x pull and a bunch of time leveling her, I can only imagine if someone spent more thinking she was cool only to feel cheated. It's very bad and needs to be addressed.

  3. My best friend who is currently ar 20 got Thoma and asked me where to get some of the Materials required for him and she was pretty sad after hearing she needs to get to ar30 to go to inazuma in order to level him up

  4. Inazuma is somewhat unique in the respect of getting region specific mats, everything in inazuma is locked behing quests and stuff, but that wasnt the case for liyue, for liyue u could just go there as soon as like AR 5 or 6, i think the only reason inazuma is locked like that is because canonically it is supposed to be a segregated nation…
    my assumption is that future regions will be accessible without a prequest, tho i may be wrong ofc, seeing as inazuma is unique and liyue was there since the beginning, it's hard to say.
    thats ofc, not to detract from ur point which is, the new player experience currently is getting worse, and will probably continue down this road…

  5. Think about what you said: genshin has one of the worst new player experience ever seen
    That is 80% there is to the game fresh player experience, at this time you dont give a shit about characters, also all banners feature great off banner characters that can carry you anywhere like bennet, also free chars are good, some of them are great
    As always cant disagree with you harder

    Your main point isnt wrong

  6. Put the region exclusives in the shop but in very small amounts so low level players can use it to level up but once you get to the area you'll be to high of level to do that and have to explore

  7. I feel like the best solution is to make accessing areas easier. From very early in the game, you can just wander into liyue, I believe way before you get there in the archon quest. Inazuma is a special case with the sakoku decree blocking passage to get there in lore, but other areas dont have these descriptions. I think It would be pretty easy for them to just leave the ways to get there open and let the player choose where they want to go, especially once the world gets much larger. Miko is definately a fringe case though, since she is one of the only characters whose boss is hidden in a seperate map layer and behind a quest, its safe to say most future chars wont have that issue.

  8. I started a new account to see how the game was without buying the battle pass and new moon and I ended up with 3 useless Sayu’s before I made it through Mondstadt. Also most dps units are 5* and for whatever ever reason the game hates me and like my OG account kept giving me support characters. If the liyue event didn’t give me Beidou I would’ve dropped that account earlier than I did.

  9. Isn't the whole "localised leveling materials" problem solved by the standard banner? Solves the problem for starter players. They can do event banner when they're further into the game?

  10. The problem you’re describing is exactly what I experienced when I started playing. I picked up Genshin at the tail end of Yoimiya’s banner and she was my first 5 star unit. When I got her I was pretty excited because she was a main DPS unit and could carry me through the game. And then I realized I had to get through 3 regions to level her. I had to blitz through the content as fast as possible to utilize her the way I wanted, and I can tell you I have barely paid attention to the lore in Liyue and Mondstadt as a consequence. Which is a shame, cuz going back to revisit it made me realize there was a lot of really interesting nooks and crannies I missed.

  11. There is one thing I would like to point out. When I started I got Keqing right off the bat in my novice banner and I managed to get her done very quickly, especially the materials she needed. One thing you have to take into accoun is that Inazuma should be the only blocked place at the start. Just like you can walk at AR10 from Mondstad to Liyue I think you should be able to easily walk anywhere you want on the mainland. All domains are being opened at AR 20-25 so this shouldn't be a problem. The only thing you should consider is blocked off terrain like Tatarasuma that might contain domains or bosses. Weekly bosses would be the only things hard locked behind story quests.

  12. Other than introducing some sort of conversion system where you can convert monster materials, world materials and similar into the one you need from another region, you should simply be able to explore the world in your own way like you can in breath of the wild. You should be able to enter any region at any point if you want to. You still have incentives to finish the story quests in previous regions but you still have the ability to move to other regions early on like with liyue for example. It might be a bit difficult to implement in a good way but if they do it even remotely similar to BOTW it will still work. You can go to any area at any point but you still benefit from going to all areas. Now you can pick which region to go first to depending on what characters you have, and you can save the other regions for later.

  13. As someone who started the game in 2020 then took a break in 2021 the whole playing catchup thing is annoying as is.

    Now imagine that but you have to do it with the entire fucking story.

  14. Instead of fixing the materials, I would instead fix the character availability problem altogether and region lock them as well. Ditch entirely the promo banners as they are, and instead put up a Regional Banner, unlocking a pseudo permanente banner of each region as you progress through the game. This way you'd have only characters of that certainn region, but the "1 free 4* or higher item every 10 wishes" would be elevated a bit, in order to give the permanent benner some use. Or you could still keep the promo banner, and have the regional banner promote a 5* character of that region every week. For example, rerunning Albedo, Hu Tao and Kaedehara Kazuha one week, and Venti, Zhongli and Raiden Shogun the other, same as the 50/50, but you still have the vhance of getting the other characters, even if they're not featured.

  15. genshin is much more premimum than those 2d picture waifu jpg collecting rpg gachas, that's why you need to struggle more so in genshin to even do a simple task like leveling up a character, this characteristic just adds more depth to the game and honestly I like this part of genshin.

  16. Hello Vars!
    Again, an amazing video!
    I love how you explain things, keep up the great work man!
    I have a question regarding the Level in genshin, do you think it will always stay at AR 60, with lvl 90 characters and lvl 10 talents? Or do you think they will introduce more levels as we hit the final stages of the game?

  17. Maybe to fix this in the future there might be a special mechanic where players can exchange regional material for another regional material? Like let's say you can exchanged the drops from the Pyro Regisvine in Liyue for the drops from the Pyro Cube in Inazuma. That way it's the same element and number of materials. As well as other materials such as flowers, medals, Ores, or fruits, etc. This could be introduced through a new NPC or just be a new function at the adventurer's guild. But course with would only between different regional materials. So you cant exchange materials for another material if they are from the same region.

  18. I can understand the idea that region-locked character upgrade materials are prohibitive for new players, but I don't think it's nearly as bad as people are making it out to be. Let's say they somehow fix this issue; for argument's sake we can imagine they make these materials universally available to players from the day they start playing Genshin. Ok great! Now you can max that just-released character! But oh wait, you can't farm 5* artifacts yet, and oh wait you'll need time to farm the mora and EXP books you'll need as well. This doesn't even take into account the assumption that brand new players have enough primogems to reliably get whichever 5* character is on the new banner within days of starting the game.

    If it takes a couple weeks to unlock the areas to farm these new materials, why is that such a bad thing? We shouldn't be upset that brand new players can't immediately max out a brand new character IMO.

  19. The problem with the game is that because it's so complex due to it's design and structure, it's leaves a mess in some places and has random problems that hardly have a solution. These problems might not be major but ruin the wholesomeness of the overall experience of the game.

  20. To be honest, I am one of those players that play genshin since it launched, and in most of time I just skip the background story and go directly to the rewards, with the motivation of getting a new character, but it is a exausting action and I just don't see any more reasons to play the game, if I want to know about the story of the game I just search it in the YouTube or google, and I think that I'm not alone in this situation

  21. As someone who came back to Genshin recently, drops being region locked really suck. I finally got a 5 star and unfortunately its Yae Miko. I can only upgrade her once and my world is going to be world 3 soon. Thankfully by some miracle I got Jean in the same pull so I have a 5 star I can actually upgrade. But I love Yae Miko's design and I honestly like her gameplay too. It sucks that I am not able to really play as her. (without her dying easily that is) Also one my favorite characters, Thoma, upgrade materials isn't until way later either. And while I am still able to use him because I have invested a lot artifact wise and primogem wise (He's c4) I can't get the mushrooms required to ascend him any further. It's really frustrating because I don't want to rush to Inazuma and be unprepared and I don't want to rush story. The solution is honestly really simple. Either add a traveling merchant that has upgrade materials for different regions or you could just put them in the stardust exchange. I hope the add something soon because it'll become a huger problem in the future.

  22. Got Kokomi, was stuck on Liyue main quest for months. Had do go through 2 regions of content to make her usable. That`s some fat garbage new player experience, indeed.

  23. Very much a big problem! I started playing because I liked Ganyu, immediately quit when I saw I couldn't get her, started again much later when I heard she would have rerun, burned through the story to be sure I could use her, and some of the newer zone characters I got and… burned out so hard. I didn't feel like I should enjoy the game because I HAD to guarantee the girl I wanted with free wish materials, and when I had them, I had no idea what was really happening anymore. I got 2 Ganyus in my rolls, and even a Jean. But I had already quit by time the banners came up, and while I used what I had to level up the cocoagoat, that feeling of why bother playing when I didn't have even a chance to have the girl I actually cared about really shattered any love I had for the game.

  24. Make materials exchangeable. Being able to trade region material for other material or go the extra mile and make different starting points. Let players choose the region they want to tart off.


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