Genshin Impact written by an AI, again

worst fever dream, in video form

story generator used: sudowrite (i typed a summary of each scene and let it do the rest)



40 thoughts on “Genshin Impact written by an AI, again”

  1. Though Genshin's writing has its ups and downs I generally enjoy its story. That is until the lantern rite dinner. Never before I thought an event felt so cringe awkward and forced that I'd treat it as if it weren't canon.. Now if the dinner actually went on like how the AI described it, I might actually enjoy it and have a good laugh.

  2. Yey this again
    Also the fact that paimon was just left on the bridge
    Edit: also forgot to say traveler saying that they were better than raiden bc they have friends is more real that I thought

  3. Spoilers for this rewrite and the Scara boss rewrite:

    Dottore didn't get that car in the other rewrite, so now he wants the flying akademiya instead ZJXDHUDD
    It somehow makes sense

    And did Lumine literally say "I'm better than you because I have friends" to someone whose friends died 💀 JCJDJDJDUD


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