Since there were lots of ppl asking, I decided to make this Windsong Lyre version of Zhongli “The Listener”. The video itself is just a demonstration and the playing is done by script according to the MIDI I made. I think it should be playable with two ppl around speed. (I tried to make it simple and not too fast for two hands to do, and also make it within 3 octaves)
I think it will be easier to leave the MIDI file here (Free to download) for people who are wondering what notes/rhythm to play (or just use it to play by script in game)
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I tried to make this tutorial but I have no idea how to put the rhythm in (Guess you will need to have to learn by sound)
Player 1
Intro: ytew h hgds n ytew hy hgds ytew hgds
Verse: sdg sdhg hgda sdn dsdg d gsa wet wey t yteq we h ewet e t y
Bridge: y wwww q ew ewq ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew
wet weyt yteq weh ewety e
Chorus: ghdgh e wewqhgh ewewqhgh qw ewqhq de wewqhgh ewewqhgh qw ewqhg h
Outro: abn n dsdsanbn ewewqhgh ewewqhgh h
Player 2:
Intro: nh n mn nnn h sd n x x x xxxxxx
Verse: n n n n (zb) z (xn) (xn)(mc)
(nd) (nd) (nd) (nd) (bz) (bz) (xn) (xn) (xn)(cm) (cm) n
Bridge: n n ggg n ds ds nnnn
Chorus: nssssdsan naaaabna nssssdsan naaaabna zssssdsan zaaaabna (xs)(xs)(xs)(xs)(xs)(xs)(xs)(xs)(xs)
ndndndnd ndndndnd vavavava bsbsbsbs ndndndnd ndndzbzb xnxnxnxn cmcm (cm) (mc) (nd)
Outro: z (xn) n
✨ f l a w l e s s ✨
Practice the ritual to summon zhongli before pity lol
“We last left off….”
omg why is this so good!!!! very nice!!!!!!
I'm getting the feeling that i will get Zhongli, bcs Venti didnt come home.
I bet y'all waiting for 1:20
Zhongli OP <3
Tried to do this on ps4 and now my fingers are broken
idk anything in music but i really want to play it on lyre🥲
1:01 don't mind me, Imma just learn this for my ritual to summon Zhongli
Ooo that's nice
Is your IGN Tortellini?😳
bruh no one's reading the description at all?
“This is an age of gods and monster i wish not for dominion yet I cannot watch the common folk suffer”
Holy Rex Lapis.. never even thought this is possible
Everybody gangsta till he plays MEGALOVANIA
This is beautiful
Wow that spoiler in the title 😂😂
That's so good
you are amazing !!! Thank you so much for your amazing work! Must SUB
Damn, how on earth do you people play this like your fingers must be playing a miniature game of twister on your keyboards.
help a noob how/where do i play this version of lyre
How do you unlock this
That slaps
Nicely done ^^
I was waiting for Rex Incognito!!! Great job!!! ❤❤❤❤
I legit did they're event firstjust for this lol
Liyue music just hits different
get this man to millions of views
what executor are you using
Pls do you have notes on mobile? <33
Damn y'all are so talented. To bad I can't do anything like this lmao.
Rex Lapis out there shredding the lyre harder than Barbatos ever could smh
Cuz i don't know how to play any song, i'll watch others play songs
Hope MiHoYo can add another instruments
Im a mobile player, just retrieved my earphones lost since 2 weeks. A casual 2 thumb player…
You know what im trying this even though i am an PS4 player 😃
people are actually very good at this. all i can play on my lyre is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and i still make some mistake😭👍
Been waiting for someone to do this I didn’t actually expect it would be difficult
can you do kleeee?