Genshin Impact Special Program Live Stream


37 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Special Program Live Stream”

  1. It’s been so enjoyable to watch your journey with this game! You’ll be caught up in time for 4.0, hopefully you can start streaming these, it was really fun to watch your reaction and they’re always different! Looking forward to more of your character demo music analysis

  2. I unfortunately wasn’t able to make it to the livestream due to school starting, but I came back and watched this and I would be happy to watch every livestream here if I could but I will still come back and watch each one after they’re over!

    Also, can’t wait for the Dragonspine ost next week! 🙂

  3. Happy Lantern Rite! I was surprised to see that they cut out the "A Journey of Art and Heritage" clip from the NA stream. It was an interesting segment and I was excited to hear about the upcoming project.

  4. Honestly, I'm kinda sad that you got spoiled halfway through in regards to the Sumeru story. Hopefully you can still find it surprising because there's a LOT to unpack there.

  5. That Genius Invokation thing is probably gonna have different “meta” decks than the normal because you’ll be able to play any card basically. Meaning you’re only limited on the amount for that round, which means the Paimon card is still gonna be good and Liben.

    But other things might change. Like Ganyu’s charged attack can be used more cuz 5 elemental die is a lot to get for it.

  6. I’m so happy for everyone experiencing lantern rite for the first time. It’s such a peaceful and cozy event and even just walking through Liyue Harbor and seeing all the decorations is such a lovely experience. ❤

  7. 3.4 looks like an amazing update. I skipped Itto and Wanderer(much to my despair), and I already had Raiden and Ayato from the previous updates, so I managed to get a good amount of primos. I'll need them. I'm planning to pull for Xiao and Hu Tao. I'll pull for Yelan and Al haitham in the future, since Al haitham is going to be a new unit, and Yelan came out in 2.7. Good luck with your wishes everyone! We can do this! Just stay hopefull!

  8. Last year's Lantern Rite was such a wild ride, I can't imagine how they'll top that but we'll see!! I'm excited for more Xinyan concerts. (And I'm not just saying that cause she's my only C6 character atm.)

  9. characters gain a vision based on his ideals according to the principle of archons for example all anemo characters have to do with freedom even Xiao he was the slave of an evil god until Zhongli killed him and then Xiao decided serve him willingly

  10. Thanks for pronouncing my name right, and for such a chilled stream! 🙂 Hope you get to enjoy your spirit animal when she drops 🐇💚 Super cool to learn that you are an opera singer, as well–I have a degree in vocal performance!

  11. Your reasoning for not pulling Hu Tao is the same reason I'm no longer pulling for her. When she was first dropped, I wasn't playing Genshin at that time. But I loved her demo and the fact that she was a cute spooky girl. But after doing her quest I no longer want her. Her playstyle is just…..not it, unfortunately. And I have Thoma who is bomb AF pyro unit after all the time and resources I've poured into him.

  12. The Crane Returns Quest was during last Lantern Rite, so there was a permanent quest along with weeklong activities and a limited time story event. The new outfits usually tie into the current story, so I'm curious how they will fit in Fontaine Ayaka and Sumeru Lisa.


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