Banes or the “Bane of” series in genshin is super strong. Since they can apply on hit or reaction, it should really change the way you think about them. Consider them free damage when you do certain reactions. However they only buff the damage amplifying reactions. Even then they are still worth considering on transformative reaction teams due to the massive buff in raw damage.
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Bane basics with evidence:
KQMs Diluc math:
KQMs Keqing math:
1.9 mil xinqiu by cenpi:
1.38 mil xingqiu by 达达yu_ :
lavawalker xiao by REIN:
xingqiu/raiden with lions roar by Veyn Genshin:
xingqiu weapon chart:
Music used:
Terraria Music – Day:
Terraria Music – Corruption:
1 PM Animal Crossing City Folk Music Extended HD:
Trance Music for Racing Game:
Undertale – “Shop” NITRO (Lo-Fi) Mini-Remix:
8AM – Animal Crossing: New Leaf Music:
Candyland, But it is low quality:
0:00 Intro
0:31 How They Work
1:06 Why Rainslasher Is OP on Diluc
1:43 Xingqiu Lions Roar Vs 5 stars
2:16 Dragons Bane
2:31 What about Thundersoother/Lions Roar in transformative reaction teams?
2:59 Neutral element characters can use these too
3:21 Conclusion
3:55 Outro
5% crit rate Xingqiu here, I love this video since this is the concept that I've been trying to present since the early days of the game. Good work!
Nice numbers… But I'm still sticking with my primordial jade cutter.
It just kinda sucks that resin blocks off so much interesting tests that people end up just choosing the safe option.
Amazing video btw.
thank you for sharing! that was very eye-opening. Now I hope I didn't waste my lava walker and thunder soother lol
Bane is op. But it is hard for xinqiu in spam team tho.
Cenpi has been trying to demonstrate this since day one lmaoooo
Ah yes, my reverse melt rosaria 4lw with r3 dragons bane
Wait I'm a bit confused by all this, can i plob back my lvl90 reinslashed on chong who is my main dps, i run him on 2 glad 2 blizz with the prototype, he does 12k on hit with his e and 6000-8000k when hes infused eith cryo, his ult does between 8k to 15k, i was planning to make him 4 piece blizz cuz i struggle to get crit r rolls and i use him the most on the field
Next, it is Bell's time to shine!
For Xingqiu, Lion's Roar is one of his best weapons ONLY if you use him as a nuker (therefore the nuke weapon chart you are refering to), focusing on vaping his E.
However, if you use him as a vape support for Pyro carry (as probably 90% of players do), Lion's Roar is actually much lower on the rankings, as there is usually no Pyro on the target for XQ to benefit from Lion's Roar passive.
When you're new to the game and have no clue whats going on lol.
terraria music
omg thank you for telling me this bjilion time ure like the 17 youtuber that appear in my beranda youtube lmao just saying tho im not hate or anything
Helpful and very informative, great video. I've honestly refused to use my jade spear or level my catch for xiangling because r5 dragons bane is pretty nutty to be honest.
Had no idea lion's roar was that insane on xq, I have all the requirements you mentioned for it so i'll give it a try.
This is purely the reason a High Refinement Dragon's Bane is really underrated on Xiangling. Because the National Comp is just so well put together. Prototype Archaic has been long outmatched now, we have Luxurious Sea Lord which is like 10x better anyway.
I use Lithid Blade on Diluc, they look the same but different colour.
Me who has been doing it all along: "I thought it was a thing?"
No seriously. Lol
I've actually thought about this a couple of times and I also had a lot of good lavawalker pieces but I was too lazy to use them so I ended up using them as fodder. Kinda regret it now
You see, i know this but i dont have the gameplay to excute this properly
Terraria music in the back tho
Someone gets it!