Genshin Impact Players Furious over Mihoyo Greed:

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Mihoyo doesn’t seem to realize how poor some of their rewards are for dedicated players. They need to stop being so cheap and greedy, or players are going to quit all together!
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43 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Players Furious over Mihoyo Greed:”

  1. I feel like Genshin Impact could have been a subscription game without the gacha and they would have a long-term base supporting the devs.

    Look at WoW and FFXI. These games are still going.

  2. You wanted daily log in? Wwell its there now buddy xD Enjoy your Fowl and Eggs OH and the 60 primos in 3 weeks time, dont get too fancy with all the pulls you will get thanks to that!

  3. "Fuck this game I've known full well has a gacha-based monetization scheme, has been out for close to a year so we know we shouldn't expect many freebies. I'm so fed up with this game!!! click and like my video pls."

  4. You make such a good point because even if everyone had literally everything we would still play, but what turns people away is if they save up what little they have to wish for a limited banner and don’t get anything, that really kills the motivation to keep playing and grinding. I hope Mi Hoyo really sees how their current system may kill some of the population of their game.

  5. At the end of the day, everyone still gonna continue playing genshin regardless imo. cause yall just can't help yourself getting tempted by 5* which is not necessary and then complaining about spending money that didn't get you your 5* weapons or char. it is a Gacha game ffs.

  6. Made another account just for the fun of it and i dont see those free begginer wishes anymore, also they nerfed the primo per chest, normal wood chest gave 2 iron bound chest gave 5, now it's 0 and 2

  7. The thing gamers feared several years ago has happened. This crap normalized and people not only accepting it, they defend it. EU gets even scammed double as hard with having to pay 30% more for everything.

  8. And the fact that they are moving to 2 week banners means you can’t save up enough gems in time for a new character. Then they also don’t get added to any general loot pool, they’re just gone for about 6 months to a year.

  9. i mean mihoyo could never be as generous as yostar. yostar gives us a whole guaranteed 5 star in the first 10 pulls on a banner, and mihoyo… with their 90 pull pity system….. the people who are saying that mihoyo is being "generous" and are "more generous than other gacha games", i wanna know wth ur playing.

  10. I'm playing this free only, lol, i'm struggling through hahaha… 50% drop rate for Keqing, spent all my wishes jut to get her and didn't. 4 Months of playing for free, still don't have a 5 Star character…

  11. As a 4+ years semi-whale fgo player I have to say that gacha wise, genshin is arguably the worst and greediest of all the gachas i've played.
    1. Their resin system (or stamina in most gachas) is definitely the worst. It takes around 20 hours to get from 0 to 160 which is usually half on other games. while all the domains and bosses need 20 to 40 resin. this is very imbalance you basically only need to play for 10+ minutes to empty it and then what, nothing unless you are grinding for enemy or specialities materials, there is nothing else for you to do in the game. Also, fragile resins are so scarce in the game they might as well never introduced it (other games give you more stamina refresh item more commonly)
    2. The gacha itself is definitely one of the worst i've encounter. Mihoyo actually managed to make a gacha with lower 5-star rates than fgo (congratulations) and don't tell me about how fgo doesn't have pity. Pity is bs especially when you have multiple 5- star in the banner it is not guaranteed to get you the new 5-star. And weapon banner is much worse than the character banner especially for pity system.
    3. Primogems. Do I need to say more ? When this game gives you less primogems than FGO and dokkan battle you know there is problem. Each day you get 60 primo from the daily commisions meaning you need to login for 27 days to get a 10 pull. By then your character banner will be gone (2 weeks for a limited character banner is bs).
    Genshin is an amazing game gameplay wise (making all sorts of different team, using different character is fun) but all other things in the game especially gacha wise is atrocious. I genuinely hope they can revamp it. Give us more primogems daily, introduced login streak bonus or something smh.

  12. I like how people are complaining about the fact that they spent money on a game of their own free will… and when they are not given free stuff they feel like they are getting shafted.

    Its your money. O.O

    You choose how its spent.

    The game is free! You don't NEED to spend a single dime on this.

    But… since you chose to spend it on genshin. The Devs have said thank you in plenty of ways. They give us kewl game play and events. The give us free premo gems. They give us an engaging story with interesting characters.

    But thats not enough right? Players still want more. And they want it as soon as possible. So they make multiple accounts. So they have more chances to get more stuff.

    Then the devs make an event where everyone can share… equally.

    But what about the extra accounts? What about the people who play on PS4 and Pc/phone?

    The devs didn't shaft us on premo gems… the players base did.

    I have seen plenty of games that take far more then they give… Genshin is not one of those games. We get stuff like EVERY OTHER WEEK. Multiple times a month we get stuff. When the game first started when ever they found a mojr issue… Premo gems for the community. All the time.

    Have you play Skyforge? The game about being a god that has literally been recycling is bosses and content every month and half and calling it new… for like 5 years now? The game people keep defending and throwing money at.

    Go play thay free to play game. Go and play that tutorial. Go and tell me its okay to complain about genshin when there are "Free to play" games like that one out there.

    A FTP that constantly adds and removes multiplayer for they story mode. A FTP that has decided to make character class fixes part the game so you are required to play with a messed up character until you unlock the passive that fixes the poorly made play style.

    A FTP game where EVERY ELITE ENEMY AND BOSS IS 100% IMMUNE TO CROWD CONTROL SKILLS. And when you try to run they get a buff that increases thier movement speed.

    Genshin devs are greedy? Are you high? Any and all money you spend on Genshin is NOT REQUIRED. Not a single penny. Its only allows you to progress faster. That is it.

    If you feel you will not enjoy the game without venti… i can't help you that is your issue. Not everyone cares about that.

    The only 5 star i really want right now is Mona. With her i will have all the casters… and i will be set. I dont have Zhongli, Venti, Albedo, Xiao, and Hutoa.

    Dont care bout none of them just want Mona… dont need her. Not spending money to get her. Just want to have all the casters.

    Please stop acting like these devs have done anything other than give you good reason to spend your money. I mean seriously… the worst thing they have done is make some of the characters only avaible on banners… and even those are not manditory for proper game play.

  13. Literally stuck in this game rn. Need to go to liyue but to get by there i have to pass by snowy areas where if the cold doesn't kill me the lvl 30 monsters that surpass my chars will. And to ascend i need material from liyue harbor. And all i can do is just daily commission and use resin if possible. Currently ar 17 and hard to go further beyond that

  14. Yea i'm really feeling this. I tried welkin last month and got another just yesterday. And I kinnda regret that after reading my receipt. I guess i'm never spending any until they changed what we can get from our money.

  15. Good that I stopped playing two months ago. I liked the game but the resin system is not my cup of tea, it's just there so that impatient players spend money, I like to play few days and many hours, that's not possible in this game, it's not possible to play hours and grind something useful. Garbage system.

  16. If you want a good kinda niche gacha game then look no further than guardian tales, it doesn't have amazing graphics like genshin (cause it's 2d) I'm not advertising but simply saying cause I have like six three star heroes (three stars are equivalent to five stars in genshin) and I am f2p.
    As of this comment there's currently a login event and if you log in everyday you'll get 600k.
    for fucks sake you get 2,700 gems or diamonds (I forgot) at the end of every month. every ten summons you only need to spend 2700 gems.
    It is fantastic.

    edit : some of this maybe wrong cause I have shit memory but it is definitely more rewarding than genshin.
    after hearing this, I may go play raid shadow legends again.


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