Nilou Leaks Full Detail
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That's unbelievable! that she can become hydro support but hydro dps as well!
that mean she foucs enegery recharge?
She should have become Hydro Claymore better, my only gripe about her otherwise phenomal chefs kiss design. Such a beautiful cutie thats by far together with Dehya the best looking Sumeru Character regarding aestetics, color contrasts, color harmony. Her happy smile in the PV is just pure gold.
I slap esf
She seems for lien sub dps support for dendro character for bloom reaction 🤔 I wonder will she work with my ayaka anyway ?
yea i am spending all my work money on her c6 xD
Idk if Nilou is another healer 5 star just like Kokomi, Qiqi or Jean
these are not the full details but ok
So nadiha and nilou is meta?
Is she main dps?
pulling for nilou and ayaka (if she gets another rereun) with 22k primos! not guaranteed but i want her smmmm ❤❤
when we can gain her please someone tell me she in not in banners right now
She isn't a healer?