Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!

Here you will find today’s funniest Genshin Impact content that I Originally Edited and Carefully Voiced Over to Maximise your Enterteinment.
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► Memes sauce: r/Genshin_Memepact/
► BackGround Music: Dizzy by Joakim Karud

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43 thoughts on “GENSHIN IMPACT MEMES #785”

  1. I really do not get it…
    does EVERY charactes need to be CRUCIAL to make 36 stars in abyss ?
    Cannot we have chars that just are for exploration , or making some nice food , or heal ?
    We already have like 30 chars that can 36 star abyss, many of us has comps with C6 4 stars that can do it.
    New 5star wont make it easier. Just do not pull.
    But we need some end game.

  2. I'm so glad I got Cyno on his first banner (as he was a character I really wanted) so that I can contribute to watching Dehya's banner becoming the least pulled limited banner of all time.

  3. For those wondering why Elliot is still voicing Tighnari in 3.5, it is because they wouldn't even have had the time to replace the voice lines, since the drama happened so recently, so don't worry about it it'll probably happen soon, but they can't recast and re record everything for the event in just a few days, so we'll have to stick with this one for a bit

  4. #GIM
    Random player: joins my world
    Me in mind:pls dont ask for flowers pls dont
    Random Player:May i get some flowers?
    Me: having a tantrum cause of that
    1 sec later
    Me:sure! 10 secs later having another tantrum cause i have no flowers left

  5. They really messed up a good opportunity with Dehya, considering they pushed out Heizou in the same version – they could've made her a "physical" catalyst user as well, it would've looked great, and now we just have…

    Another pyro greatsword user.

    Well, I guess there's still her burst, but it just doesn't feel the same.

  6. #GIM

    Me: Dehya looks so cool! Can't wait to play her!

    The fandom: Doomposting like crazy and clowning on anyone remotely excited for her.

    Me who mained triple crowned Keqing well before dendro and regularly plays double crowned main dps Xinyan: Bold of you to assume you can hurt me.

  7. #GIM
    POV: You’re a Tighnari main
    Elliot: is a terrible person that is good at hiding it from others
    His victims: stay strong and stand up for themselves
    Other VAs: F**k Elliot Gindi
    Tighnari mains: I will no longer hide from the jokes, Cyno here I come!

  8. my oc says: hey games like ginin impact cant raely focus on QOL, carcter balacing, or end game untill all the main game conecnt that needs to be fwork on and fisheds first to make the game contect msotly finnashsd and whole before those game asspects can be worked on. i have seen this is allways true . thsi is bescue if they try to do too many things acta noce to soon it can F*** brake that game devs workfolw form over work and slow and burn out the game dev team and can kill the game. that main part of the game fullye intendd fully compate contect such as the story and al lteh gamplay content must be fisnid before they can even try to get to working on qol, cateter blaascing and end game contect. this is becsue all gamae that are live servce can't work on the later at all before the former is finshed ferst. ths is bescue any the live servace games that treyd doing all of them at once have allready died and past on. and there so F** many gacha game that did this and impoded beacue too much mutlitaking got so expanie it make the gaica game mahcams very costing and whale heavy to keep the game even to be at a small loss that bacly bilit up that bankrupt the game way before it got near to its protacal. theres a good reano why FGO and hoyovrse games stand out far more then other is becme they know that htey mmust foces on CORE OF THE GAME AND FINSH THE GAME CORE before all the, QOL,end game and cartcer balacse can be work on. heck bascly hokhi 3rd impact bascly was the first game made by hyoyhyo verse at its allready a fully finsehd prodcut with all the needed qol,end game and carter balasce allready, but that took hoyolike five pluss years of udtate after update to get to that pnot , and ghsin impact is just only right now beaery even one therd of is core main game play even balry wroknig right now. so stop cokmpaing ginsihn imcapt still as laot of stuff being worked on stroy bords and sorty wirght part of the game still in on the dwaring bord room floor tight now still wating in th ver yvery very long line. like all games goo ther this live serve or not it just the life of viedo game devment.

  9. At this point I skipped ayaka on all of her banners and at this point I'll just hope to get everyone besides her out of spite or if by the miracle of celastia they replace cyno with eula cause let's be honest here cyno had his banner 4 months ago will didn't show up for a god damn year you can afford to wait. Yes angry I am piss about the choice right now and want to use my rosaia and childe assassination birthday presents to go kill whoever the ass that put ayaka on eula purpose banner part of me is glad (because of saving purposes just in case shenhe is being stubborn) but the bottom line is if you hoyo don't like eula and keep doing this put then on the standard banner so you can suck more money out of people who want to play their favorite characters (add abeldo already you idiots if ayaka can threaten some people to change her then maybe some angry mobs and a few hackers can maybe change your tune eh?) But can't because RNjeues has one to many appointments asking for the same thing.
    Thanks for reading and sorry I had to rant. This is all annoying and just makes me hate ayaka more and more to the point where I won't mind to use my traveler to kill her so she can stop annoying him or her all the characters are a after thought for them once it's all done the travelers are gone period.
    More ranting I'm done now sorry.💀🤡😠

  10. your hear soemone csring some abut a bleeiding man in the distace but you igor it you feel it would br best to not pay attion of where you hard it come from as your feel very uneasy. it seams the weylines have been very very teanted as of late. asl it seams all the arcons have been very very jumply latly. heck you even see pimon realy realy shook up aobut something. also she so shook up you can acly see time and space actaly realy beding and riping apart very close to her outlnie ediges. heck even all of time and space seems to be very very very very unsatble right now. aslo every time whene pimon jump aliitel you feel a massive very laod craking and a very ahrd to compend massly very laod nosie of soemthng like thinder. but it also with a very very and pweoruf foce that make your indses hot and panifil with emise strain as you feel your jonis and bones twst and bend very painly with each impact. this is exapcly bescue eevn the weind itself also seamd to be htiing you so hard every time your feal it brusing your flesh. also this happens every time pimon jolt even a litele bit when she toght she saw something out of the conner of her eye.


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