Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!

Here you will find today’s funniest Genshin Impact content that I Originally Edited and Carefully Voiced Over to Maximise your Enterteinment.
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► Memes sauce: r/Genshin_Memepact/
► BackGround Music: Dizzy by Joakim Karud

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36 thoughts on “GENSHIN IMPACT MEMES #467”

  1. 4:27 Honestly I hope they do it more in the future, be it jump down a hole, go through a crack in the wall, etc.
    It's a really smart tool from a programing perspective that will let them keep making big/high quality areas without having devices lighting on fire from resource demands.

  2. Me : I used up much of my time farming for Ayato
    Hoyo : Yup
    Me : I also want to save enough Primos for his weapon
    Hoyo :Yup
    Me : So I should win the 50/50
    Hoyo : Alright heres a C1 for your Keqing
    Me, who lost 50/50 for my Hydro Daddies and didn't have pity for Shogun, using Keqing : AYO BRO WHAT THE FU-
    Based on a true story

  3. 4:26 nnno. You missed 2 other holes. You would've had 4 nickels, unless you also count Dragonspine's crevices. One more, and you can finally get that gum drop you always wanted… or another qiqi.


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