Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!
Here you will find today’s funniest Genshin Impact content that I Originally Edited and Carefully Voiced Over to Maximise your Enterteinment.
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3:11 I used Noelle here and it counted
Who is Ximgiu?
Ayatos story Quest: yes how much do you want him step on you
People who been wanting Ayato : YES
– Ei peacefully sitting in the Plane Of Euthymia
– Traveler gets summoned into the Plane of Euthymia by the Raiden Shogun
Other players: pull to get pity up
Me, an intellectual: saving primos for the very first dendro character my goals are beyond your mortal minds.
Guess I wasn't the only one who saw the similarities between Ada and Yelan
Killing Hilichurls before 2.6: GENOCIDE AND BLOODSHED
Killing Hilichurls after 2.6: Sorry Dainsleif, but I need to kill your people for 60 primos
The New Photo taking event be like: it's free primogems
Childe: best hydro dps user
Ayato: I'm about to ruin this man's care-
Yelan: getting ready to aim her bow at both to claim #1 hydro DPS
Childe's search history:
how to get a girlie
how to hide your real job
how to plunge using e skill
lumine pics
Boss:dodge's my burst
Me: listen here you little shit
Evil EI be like
I love change
Me: gets super close to entering sumeru through chasm
Also me: We were this close to greatness.
4:27 Honestly I hope they do it more in the future, be it jump down a hole, go through a crack in the wall, etc.
It's a really smart tool from a programing perspective that will let them keep making big/high quality areas without having devices lighting on fire from resource demands.
Gorou: Yae Miko doesnt have a tail
Hoyoverse: We made her lie, She has 5
Gorou: …
Gorou: Well Atleast I owned up to it
This one seemed a lot more negative than most. A larger dose of anti-Hoyoverse memes and complaining about bugs than normal. I hope that's not a trend.
Me : I used up much of my time farming for Ayato
Hoyo : Yup
Me : I also want to save enough Primos for his weapon
Hoyo :Yup
Me : So I should win the 50/50
Hoyo : Alright heres a C1 for your Keqing
Me, who lost 50/50 for my Hydro Daddies and didn't have pity for Shogun, using Keqing : AYO BRO WHAT THE FU-
Based on a true story
Teppei, Kizari, and Ruu: make you like them before making you cry
Me, already liking Zhiqiong: "I'm starting to see a pattern here I'm not so sure I like."
4:03 I got ayato right after Xinagling
0:25 it's that xingqiu's novel
ngl thought we were gonna start making marco memes but halfdan
Archon of Exploration….
Venti:help you with wind current
Zhongli:Help you will Pillar and good combo with Venti
Raiden:Help you by kill everything
When Kuki Shinobu doesn't do the Naruto run in her sprint animation.
Me: My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
Me finishing the new archon quest in 2.6 and learning about the hilichurls
My family: what’s wrong?
Me: nothing, it’s just hay fever
Everyone: Talking about the Cicin Mage and her tea party
Me, who didn't find her yet: The what and her what?
4:26 nnno. You missed 2 other holes. You would've had 4 nickels, unless you also count Dragonspine's crevices. One more, and you can finally get that gum drop you always wanted… or another qiqi.
Player who just got to Inazuma: Let's do the new Archon quest!
Quest requirements: Imma end this guy's whole career.
Ayato: calm
kuki shunobu:itto stop it
Reject fatui.
Go for Fatuus
actually the traveler is the hot shot of the knights of favonious soooo…
Where does this meme come from with pixelated "Genshit"?
you need Itto his bestie.
Normal people :noooooo you can't kill the hilichurls they are seriously poor
#GIM Ei when Venti enters Inazuma: What a strange creature.