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BG Music: ☆ Dizzy by Joakim Karud ☆
Memes source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/
#GIM #GenshinImpactMemes #GenshinMemepact
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Day 19 of asking smerrey to put me in a vid even tho its not a meme.(Missed yesterdagain waaa)
Lol why childe x ganyu doujin kinda good tho haha…
Sayu at home : rolling like sonic
Every F2P player : CANT GET A GOOD 5 STAR
all loli : we cant roll : (
That one terrorist: BOOM BOOM BAKUGAN
I cant joke so uh ;-;
the 948 acquaint fate, i saw that in tenha’s discord channel
5:02 is this the Golden Apple Archipelago, just asking
Yoimiya, Childe, Ganyu: gets a cursed doujin
Keqing, Amber, Klee, and Mona: first time?
I don't understand 6:45 can someone explain it to me?
childe x ganyu doujin sauce
So basically Childe kissed Ganyu in 1:14
I don’t like where this is going..
Me: spamming skip on tubby's voice line
Tubby: this realm is…….
My head filling in the blanks
This realm is quite hard to come by.
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Why did mihoyo discord banned qiqi when she’s was us because the am I rewards
4:42 Qiqi – The angel of the apocalypse
If only MiHoYo were the troll we portray them as, they'd increase Qiqi drop rate to 100 percent for every pity roll you got. Secretly.
HuTao: Wow I finally got my rerun banner!
Childe: Our rerun.
Childe 3rd Rerun: Happens
Me: Now I know where all his money comes from @-@
6:10 I wish to have 80 pity after loosing 50/50 so i can get him
Now i am just waiting
kokomi = hydro samachurl
Change my mind
the wolf's gravestone is a fact for me
Her: He's probably thinking about Guoba.
Him: If Ei is meditating in the Plane of Euthymia, how and when does she goes to toilet?
That pineapple juice joke lmao
Yae: now then, close your eyes
Reality: oooo after I smash Raiden I can have more Inazuma ladies in my harem les gooo
Lol 6:15 is me im like I don't have him
Wait a damn minute-
You, open a thest
Razor, I am confusion
Uhhhh Ganyu X Childe Source?
6:56 can anyone explain for me
Me playing jump rope with the jellyfish:
I think there are people who didnt understand 3:19
griffin tryna advertise childe banner through tartargalicious and tartartaglia
3:45 I hate what my mind went to when I saw this
()❤️ ()
|/ |. I worked hard on this and I am tired now
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explain to me 6:43
where do i read the ganyu and childe doujin
Can someone explain the pineapple juice thing
5:02 I need some explanation. Please someone explain
I'm pretty sure the pineapple juice thing doesn't work
the new enemies are dogs
you could use a healer
if their wolves and are attacking wolvendome, there's a possibility that we get Razor story quest act 2
6:54 sause?
2:30 I'm not a compact man I'm a compact woman who is in love with u will that do
4:00 fuck
I don't get the carton pineapple juice can someone explain- 💀
6:58 OMG this is so true I wanted Jean but I get wolf’s gravestone 😭😭😭😭😭
The thumbnail represents mystia from touhou ig
5:00 and 6:53 what does that mean?
im gonna say it, i want to lose to qiqi, qiqi is my favorite standard 5-star, ind i want her at c6 as well
Childe 2nd rerun: