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BG Music: ☆ Dizzy by Joakim Karud ☆
Memes source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/
#GIM #GenshinImpactMemes #GenshinMemepact
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Vision Users in Mondstadt and Liyue: We protect our country, we experiment, we build and stuff
Childe, Klee and Vision Users in Inazuma:
We don't
MiHoYo: Baal pulls sword outta her chest
me:This some scary shit :'>
In mondstadt : Traveler fight against Stormterror attack…
In Liyue : Traveler fight against osial the lord of vortex…
In Inazuma : Traveler fight against Booba swords..
Me : worth the wait!!
-Me who is a noelle main 2021
Everyone talking about Gorou: Finally a cat boy
Me who knows he is actually a dog* 😓
i have "hey friend listen," as my notification and it played the instant Jerry's section appeared onscreen so i got more scared than usual :')
My friend: Wow, I really like Thoma, he has a good design and his horns are cute, plus he's a pyro polearm
My brain: Thoma is Chinese Childe…
Scaramouche: "The stars are a lie"
Kazuha: paimon smells like stars
Me: I don't like where this is going
players: pls let us pet cats and dogs
Mihoyo: here, a whole gardening system
people really like these bury the light memes huh
Don't forget about fischl i mean sorry oz
I get Ayaka by my 50/50. After this I saving my Primos for the Cat-boy.
Magicians: Swallows swords
Baal: Haha booba sword go brrrrrrrr
Also me, when it's come to discuss about Scaramouche: brings up like 15 teories, explains why they are related, and why she thinks Scaramouche will have screentime in the chapter 2
My friend: Why do you look so depressed?
Me: I got a 5* weapon instead of a 5* character
My friend: Understandable
What gives people feeling of power:
Finishing in the mountain quest ————————————
DIONA: Why does everything I make taste so good?
Bennet: what?
Kazuha: I love the snow because the world falls silent and I can rest
Also Kazuha: *screams while attacking random hilichruls and other enemies in dragonspine
im tired of these booba sword memes… that shit aint funny anymore
Everyone: complaining about losing the 50/50
Me, just happy to get a 5*: 👁👄👁
Childe in his boss fight: Summons whales
Childe in his banner: Summons whales
Teacher: What's so funny?..
Me: Nothing-
My mind: T-Rex Lapis
me: I am ready.
my friend: for what??
me, with a shit pc: not being able to put a single foot in Snezhnaya
New pity system
F2p: wow this is usles
Meanwhile me, who has only pulled weapons no matter how much I try: Is this some sort of Noble joke I’m too peasant to understand?
I wanna pull for Ayaka and skip Baal… Then I know she has the same VA as Sinon… 😢
sara get released
im fischl prinzessin der vergessenen
fan base: STEP ON ME BAAL!!!😈🤤
me: oooooh, so that’s the miso no hitotachi. cool
7:26 dont forget Signora Lol
Yeah about baal, idk
I don’t like her that much but I would roll like why not
sayu please please come home!
Venti: i wasn,t so drunk
Jean: really ? You throwed a rock at bennet face and shouted "I WILL HAVE ORDER "
Why does the handle of that sword look like a dildghhhtchhtfbhdsescufjc
The fact that Rosaria is Mikasa all of a sudden-
Barbra is hydro archon.
Low Tier memes
I can't be the only one who recognized the Baal sword pull from the anime Guilty Crown.
Can't wait to see Aether pull the sword from her 😀
With the "I AM THE STORM THAT IS APPROACHING" memes the genshin and dmc communities are slowly colliding