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BG Music: ☆ Dizzy by Joakim Karud ☆
Most of the Memes in this video were made by the talented memers at:
☆ r/Genshin_Memepact ☆

#GIM #GenshinImpactMemes #GenshinMemepact


23 thoughts on “GENSHIN IMPACT MEMES #155”

  1. 4:20 why would anyone do that? with 700 sunsetias and 700 carrots?? Vallberies? hello, ascension material for Rosaria, im not giving you any!. (you can use wolfhock for blue dye, then only right way to do blue dye i would say)

  2. I wish battlefront actually gave all characters a chance to show their potential but considering amber has almost double the atk of xinyan even at c6 she feels really useless to play with like 1k atk and no crit dmg. Potential can only be shown properly if the characters are built well which some are but some are very far from imo. The diona for example is a full endgame support while some of the 4* dps are built as supports when theyre dps or generally build with bad stat distribution. The stats themselves are good but no one looks at xinyan and gets interested cus her shield is somewhat ok on 1.5k def. But if you gave her good cd and atk she would do 50k ult dmg every 15 seconds without superconduct. This mightve grabbed more ppls attention. I just think its really weird how half of the characters (Mona,Albedo,Keqing,Sucrose,Amber) are on a full endgame build in the role theyre best at while many 4* dps builds were defaulted to support cus "who uses this over 5*" or some reason.


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