ABC 13
The Daily Signal
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Problem is all this stuff comes with so much political baggage nowadays. So I can understand why parents wouldn't be too keen having this around their kids who are easily influenced
Any parents that overreact should be legally required to watch Maxor's review of the game
Basically, these parents are kinda stupid and anti lgbt
It does actually promote relative satanism, since Xiao wears an Oni mask, and the "Oni" is the japanese term for "Demon", so that mask legitimately is a demon mask.
Now, we all know that it has nothing to do with real witchcraft and stuff but the idea about this kind of anime/games culture consumption is that they are trying to normalize that very IDEA of association with demons and evil spirits by changing the narrative and the perspective of children. I mean just look 20 years ago, the Witch was represented as an ugly old hag that does evil things, but in today's movies/animes, a witch is a cute young lady with a tender heart, and she just happens to know magic, thereby changing the fact that a "witch" is supposed to be evil to the impression that "witches" are actually good, disregarding the fact that there exists in our real society demon worshippers who legitimately sacrifice living beings in order to please Satan, one thing leads to another and those kind of media exposures must be monitored by parents, we don't want a worse WOKE culture than the one we already have which also started with small seemingly innocent ideas but were so damn evil within.
I hate parents who are like this, it's a mural. There is no way the hand is going to get you child into witch craft. It looks good to.
Maybe actually be involved in your kids lives instead of "checking-in" and overreacting to nothing.
Idl about other but,As a native Thai Xiao yaksha mask (or just yaksha legends in general) is actually somehow related to buddishism
my grandma use to have all kind of good-luck charms like some coins, the hand that was mentioned, an eye, a green elephant, even a budah. my grandma was Christian. but is normal in her homeland to believe in all kinds of things.
Worst achool mural ever lmao.
Yep we should get hit by nuke any minute now
last bit for sure. Schools will skimp out on good food for the "Healthy" food.
The healthy food likely costs more and, by the time the students get it, it's usually some degree of rotten/bad.
Sure Whole grain bread is good for you but, it also comes down to taste.
In the end, it's better to eat shit like chips then rotten food or, to starve yourself.
If you can, pack your own lunch, a sandwhich will for sure do you better.
Evil conquering! It's funny coz he's actually a protector from evil.
Your owl house reference next to Caio mask
Damn that's a good note to leave it on
Bro who fckin asked? Seriously do people wait all day ok these websites to read articles like this? Are the writers so bored they start talking about shit like this
FOR ANYONE WONDERING: That article at the end was likely completely made up. It comes from the daily signal who are a right wing media organization who’s “news” articles consist of literally nothing but bashing anything the left does. There are no neutral articles like “this new species was just discovered” or “this state is currently facing a drought” or anything that would actually be informative. It’s nothing but ”Biden is evil” and “lgbt folk are harming children.” It’s Buzzfeed for conservatives.
yet another EXAMPLE Of Some Americans Evolving, just backwards and i love it and hate it.
Ah yes, christian parents freaking out over stuff they don't understand. Whats new?
Why do they care about xiao mask being satanic or having devil symbolism when they still reject jesus? That irony
Ahhh… Yes… This causes concern… But the sale of devil masks and other devil costumes is fine even outside of Halloween…
Are boomers still on this ffs? Like, they still cant quit after 30 years worth of evidence that say "this" wont negatively affect children?
wait wait.. let me guess..
And this is why you keep all this gender confusion bull away from kids and school. Just avoid this nonsense all together.
People love saying “It promotes satanism” about things that have nothing to do with Satan. They’re just control freaks who have probably never even read the Bible anyway so don’t know Jack
Left wing loonys, right wing loonys, they all want the same thing, a world without freedom of expression. Id does make me laugh tho all these crazys in the lime light atm
I love how everyone here is more mad at the parents not liking drawings of video game stuff than at the fact that they're being homophobic.
No school should ever have this atrocity painted. It is anti-American in every sense. Schools are a neutral ground for kids. They should not take a position when the population itself is split on matters. The person who drew the mural should apologize to the whole community, and the school should take it down.
Man, those still with the "oh no this is satanic reeeeee" and jesus these parents i'm sure don't peep in their kids running all over tiktok unsupervised tho….