Genshin Impact – Jean is a perfect fit into Raiden Shogun Electro-Charged Team

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0:00 Intro
0:07 Characters Selection
0:12 12-1 First Half
0:57 12-1 Second Half
2:09 12-2 First Half
3:08 12-2 Second Half
4:25 12-3 First Half
5:07 12-3 Second Half
6:55 ​Artifacts, Constellation and Talents Showcase

#GenshinImpact #SpiralAbyss #IonStorm


36 thoughts on “Genshin Impact – Jean is a perfect fit into Raiden Shogun Electro-Charged Team”

  1. Being an Anemo healer with a 80 cost burst, Jean is a strong fit into this Raiden Shogun Electro Charged comp since it is always essential to have a healer or shielder to allow a wider margin of error in the event you take excessive damage. As always I am looking forward to this abyss going away (The tide mechanic) so I can better gauge how much ER is needed for a healthy Q uptime for the team.

    Who knows, maybe it might be possible to equip Jean with a DPS sword instead of Sac sword? I'll love to see if that is possible.

    Enjoy watching my friends, cheers!


  2. Yes! Jean and Ei Supremacy!

    I've been playing alot of Electro-Charged Ei comps and including Jean was one of the first things I tested. Happy this combo is getting some recognition. (I'm extremely biased, lol.)

    As always: Cheers Ion. ^_^

  3. Haha, I knew it!! Jean has excellent synergy with Ei. That goes for the threesome with Sara as well. 😁 BTW may I request you play Raiden with Qiqi? It's funny but I found Qiqi more playable and dare I say enjoyable to use because of Ei.

  4. This just gave me a good comp to try I have all the units although C0 both Ei and Sara oof. I was wondering if swapping Sara for Fischl, Lisa or Beidou (if only the burst could be proc'd 😭) would work?

  5. Seeing your gameplays with Ei makes it harder and harder for me to skip her. But as a 100% f2p I have to start saving if I want to get both Albedo and Xiao. I’ve literally never won 50/50 in my entire Genshin experience and I don’t think I’m gonna start winning any time soon, so gotta save as much as I can lol. I’m so sorry Ei I swear I’m gonna get you on your rerun :’)

  6. I really love Jean C2 with Raiden, the attack speed for Raiden is so much fun to the point where I wish miHoYo would change the electro resonance to attack speed instead of energy paricles evey 5sec!

  7. Just realized that Xingqiu can become a gigachad and go full dps due to Baal being a charger. I really like that Yoimiya maximizes her supports and i slept on her(and kazoo). Did not know you can sprint after holding with ZL… guess i do learn more everyday

  8. This is your team, builds, characters, but im so happy seeing your team comp as always bro, so fun… Your channel is too colorful bro :') btw may i know about the minimum stats for raiden for F2P(C0 R1/R5 the catch) in your opinion bro? Like ATK, crit rate, crit dmg, ER stat please(?)


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