Genshin Impact is WASTING Players Money

Thanks to @Hyundai IONIQ for sponsoring my youtube video!
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00:00 – Start of Video
00:18 – Hyundai IONIQ Sponsored Segment
01:04 – Rest of Video

𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗺𝗲 𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲! ヾ(≧∇≦*)ゝ
#Genshin #GenshinImpact #Tectone #Hyundai #Sponsored


OUTRO: Custom Eggy Song!


27 thoughts on “Genshin Impact is WASTING Players Money”

  1. reusing animations and people say who cares. boot lickers 101. satisfied to just lick the boot of something popular even if its only giving you the bare minimum instead of trying to make a difference thatll make a change for the better for the game and community. we whales are funding genshin to make the game possibly get better. You boot lickers are so ungrateful towards us and instead thank the billion dollar company for making an animation that a college student can make in a week or 2. so many content creators make better animtations for free and their excuse is they cant hire or train. these boot lickers need to just stfu and let us do their job of making an effort. its like when all you can do is touch or even be near a girl you like because that alright with them instead of making a change to be able to bang. their satisfied with just a whiff. swear to god its like their first time seeing animations and theyre like "OMG THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER" i swear Rawfler .exe videos are better than those reused animations and i dont think he makes billions of dollars and hes by himself pretty sure

  2. Please also keep in mind that when they make new animations/cutscenes they make them for Aether first and then simply, partially half-butted, slap Lumine's model onto that exact same scene ^^"
    Also: gratz on the Hyundai sponsorship. First CC I saw that actually advertised a car in their vids xD

  3. Obviously I don’t disagree with the points being made but let’s think of this logically for a sec.As much as HoYoVerse is making a lot of money and seems like it’s wasting it,you have to take into consideration the things that are involved in the company itself.The thousands of staff have to get payed and those include the designers,the VA’s who will keep increasing so long as the game continues to increase,the programmers and let’s not forget that they had an orchestra and many other staff.Second,they are working on 4 games simultaneously which all of them involved need money to be invested in plus let’s not forget the equipment that needs to be maintained.And let me remind you that Genshin is still in its early stages.It will evolve like Honkai in while.If you look at the early Honkai you would not believe it is the same game.And for those that want to say to forget all those games and tell the company to pour everything into Genshin,it will cause those other three games to collapse causing Hoyoverse to depend fully on Genshin which will lead to the collapse of the company.(Im not trying to defend Hoyoverse in any way but let’s think like any million dollar company would.Money won’t make the game better but how they manage it.)

  4. The fact that they are just reusing animations with the amount of money they have mad is extremely disheartening. It makes me not look forward to any "cool" cutscenes anymore.

  5. Ok i wasnt a fan of your but thank you for pointing this out….
    I cant understand people being apologetic on behalf of mihoyo and at the same time the amount of money spent on this game would have made 75435778 AAA excellent rpgs

  6. I think everyone needs to hear this, fuck hoyoverse. fuck genshin. fuck the game. if they can't give back when we give to them. what's the point. I get it they all catching COVID now. it's an exception but after that ends they need to do something about it. still though. it is a game I play and will keep doing so but tectone right, half a billion gone where?? people too sorry for them to actually be truthful to the company.

  7. Wtf, yo!? I play because I like anime, watching beautiful anime scenes, anime characters easy on eyes, and less motion sickness bc it is anime on mobile. Damnnnnn, watse my money! Just partner or hire a professional anime studio!!!! Why don’t you think bigger? Games can be animated and you reuse cut scense. What u stupid?

  8. The first animation is unacceptable. The second part is him landing, I'm kinda okay with it as it is kinda synchronicity for the way traveler moves. Reusing same atk animation no. I'm okay with some reuse if it fits but others hell nah. They should have figured something else ouy

  9. Why don't u play another game then if Genshin n Hoyoverse is so bad that u have to bark each 2 days about it? Can't whale yourself outta any other games? lol


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