Genshin Impact Is Not Newbie Friendly. Good luck on your Yae Miko summons :) [Aster Talks]

#genshinimpact #genshin
Yall are so screwed, :3c

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29 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Is Not Newbie Friendly. Good luck on your Yae Miko summons :) [Aster Talks]”

  1. Simple enough. First, you only need AR30 to get to Inazuma. Which with the amount of quests, chests and other ways to gain ARexp added since launch, won't take even casual players more than a month or two at most. The trial run for new characters gives you enough to ascend them to 40. So you will only be one ascension behind by the time you unlock Inazuma. This will be more of an issue once Sumeru is out. Enemy drops can already be bought with stardust but they should make a way to get enough boss mats to at least get a character to the level needed for a new area (an exchange item would work, like dream solvent for regular bosses). As for the regional plants needed for ascension they could make a imported florist shop in Lyiue that sells a limited amount of them weekly.

    As for events, I doubt it will ever be the case that most events will require later game areas to be unlocked. It will likely be only occasionally which I think is mostly fine. I actually stumbled into Lyiue on my second day of playing the game while just exploring.

  2. On top of the ideas of adding import shops, I think another idea could be adding in a conversion system similar to how the shard/fragment conversion works. Say you need pyro hypostasis mats but you've only unlocked electro and anemo in mondstadt, maybe there could be a system of using something to convert materials gained from a boss costing the same amt of resin? Same with flowers and stuff in their respective categories

  3. the problem is they stupidly lock off inazuma and newer areas with quests, when at the start of the games release i didnt even complete mondstads questline and i already explored all of liyue before continuing the main questline. so wut they need to do is stop wut theyre doing now and problem solves, invisible barriers are the bane of world design and mihoyo is stuck in an archaic past.

  4. I tell new players to not roll for any characters that came out after Inazuma. The new monsters should drop currency already in game like the new lizards do so new players can get materials for everyone in Monstadt

  5. maybe the exchange rate of old boss mats for new ones (mondstadt to inazuma) could depend on how much easier of a boss you did compared to the material you want? and that increased difficulty to get the newer boss materials can be like a counter balance to the eventual power creep as newer characters with newer boss materials overpower the old ones (so for a new player they can choose between using diluc who is less powerful but more resin efficient to power up or maybe xyz fontaine character thats probably stronger and will body early game story and bosses, but will cost more resin to get the ascension materials to level)

  6. One more aspect I think you forgot to mention was the bosses. "Power through evrything" sounds easier said than done. Imagine having to beat Childe AND Signora AND Raiden Shogun AND god forbid how many more bosses they are gonna introduce with the starter characters. The bosses keeps getting harder and harder to please people who had issues with the difficulty while newbies are forever stuck with those crappy starter characters who are most likely forever at c0 or c2 at best. Those bosses can't even be done in coop and their level remains the same no matter what your world level is. Sure if you are super hardcore about it you can eye-frame evrything likeaboss but very few people can do it even with excessive practicing. Genshin is supposed to be a relaxing game, making it harder to clear makes no sense to me as I only see it as a lore-centric game like Nier.

  7. I think Mihoyo should give default access to all regions to all the players without it having to be block by AR and story progess. For example, someone could be AR 24 and at World Level 1 while being in Inazuma.

  8. I was that new player about four months ago. One of the first characters I got was Thoma on the Hu Tao banner and I was so excited to play with him… except, well, I had no idea how to get to Inazuma. I even considered using the glitch and travelling underwater. Eventually I managed to get to Inazuma around the time Itto's banner came out, but I had already pulled Itto and Albedo, so I was preoccupied with these new 5-star characters. I'm now AR 52, and my Albedo is almost level 90 while my Thoma is level 60 and I rarely use him.

    Another pet peeve of mine is that double banners are a thing now. People who have played Genshin for a longer time, will have already gotten 1 or 2 characters per patch, meanwhile this is my first opportunity to get these characters. And that with 3 archons in a row. If you're a new player you can't play the events either, which means missing out on even more lore than you've already missed out on (all the past event stories) and you're missing out on more primos as well. I sped through the game, partially because I very much enjoy it, but also because I didn't want to miss out on even more content while I was playing the game.

  9. I think Genshin should have it where you can get all the Liyue and Mondstadt characters in the gacha system first and then when you get to Inazuma or just AR40 it should the same start introducing Inazuma characters but idk if that would work

  10. I think Inazuma was a special case, owing to the fact that lore wise, the region was secluded and shut its borders to the outside world. However, I do not think that Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan and Snezhnaya would receive the Inazuma treatment, since they arent in the same situation as Inazuma. However, if they do, then that would definitely be really bad game design. However, regions like Enkanomiya, that are part of the abyss/dark sea, may receive the Inazuma treatment.

    Also, a note that the AR requirements for archon quests will keep decreasing the more the game progresses. Even then, the fact that you do have to spedrun through a lot of content can kill the mood for many players.

  11. if they ever gonna add an import system for boss drops I think it should be only for players under a certain AR like how strongbox will be unlocked on ar 45 but this is only for players with ar lower than 40

  12. I'm a vertan player (playing since launch lol) but I genuinely think they should implement a converting system for boss/world mats for newbie players. Not sure why this isn't a thing?

    Same with artifacts (granted we only have 4) but seriously… Why not add all artifacts so we're not limited just to four….

  13. Since the game is gated based on Adventure Level anyway, why not give players a chest or a mail or SOMETHING when they ascend their world level that gives ascension materials based on the characters that they already have? It won't be too hard to implement, and you can just give JUUUUST enough for them to ascend to a decent level until they can reach the newer zones, cannot be exploited by veterans, and keeps players happy 😀

  14. Idk about co-op being not newbie friendly. I remember starting off the game with my friend, and we co-open legit every single day, and it wasn’t extremely difficult to us. Idk if we were just op or something but yeah co-op wasn’t that hard for us, both of us together can whack some sentient anemo cubes. Of course it was hard in the beginning but like it wasn’t anything that difficult

  15. the thing is they already have a solution for this, but it also doesn't work…
    if only the devs kept into mind COOPing will be easier for newbies if they can join a veteran player's world just to farm stuffs, when they introduced the lowering the world level mechanics…

    though getting to AR 30 will only take more or less than a week or 2 when you follow the archon quests… so if i think about it… gathering materials will be not that hard…

    but they can make it so that your friends can also harvest/steal your crops in the teapot… lmao (farmville vibes)

    a gifting system will be nice too, where you can send limited amounts of crops/fishes/meats per day to your friends…
    (limited amount only so it cannot be abused or exploited in a lot of ways, this is also why i'm glad and sad that there is no trading system in genshin)

  16. Yeah whenever Inazuma characters are on banners, it's very muchos rip for any new players :/
    Though Inazuma is unlocked earlier than AR 40 btw! 🙂 It's now AR 30, basically right after LIyue so there's no pause. They changed it since when Inazuma initially first released. I made a new alt account in late September and can happily attest that they streamlined the AR requirements for new accounts. But yeah it's true that new players still have to go through all the Mondstadt & Liyue story first before even getting to Inazuma.

    Another note is that newbie accounts will also never "catch up" with all the resources veteran players have accumulated just from merely playing the game a little bit every day. It's sad when I see new accounts compare themselves to veteran accounts, what with just the sheer number of level 80 and 90 characters players who have been playing since the first couple patches have compared to players now. Just by nature of not getting the rewards from playing events and doing dailies, using resin, doing battle pass, etc. from simply playing the game, they'll forever be way behind earlier made accounts when it comes to basic resources in this game (unless the veteran acct in question is a player who falls off on playing Genshin a lot).

    I just feel like Genshin is one of those games where you can't go in for the character collection. If you can't bring yourself to enjoy the exploration, story, lore, etc. of the game without having "all" or certain characters, this probably just won't be the game for you unfortunately…

    Anyway cool musings indeed and the new mic sounds great! 🙂

  17. The whole "new player can't get ascension materials because they don't have Inazuma unlocked" is not that big of a problem? I got a second account (rn it's ar 20 or 30 ish) pulled and got Itto. By the time I got to Inazuma everything was still around level 50-40ish.


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