Lyney’s release brings with us the first non Geo character to openly incentivize a mono elemental team, and with him being the first 5 star character of Fontaine, I wanted to make a video discussing how Lyney’s surprisingly well thought out design has addressed two concerns I had with character design in Genshin, as well as whether or not we can have more meta relevant mono elemental teams with future characters.
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Mono means 1. Dude can't even make a mono team correctly
I pulled Lyney because he’s attractive and was shocked with how much dmg he did with little investment. Seriously I barely have him built and he does the big boy numbers as long as I have Bennett on the team.
Mono teams have been implied as you said with gorou and nilou… This is not new news
Why do you need to make this video now considering mono-pyro klee has been known to be extremely effective and on par with some meta teams for quite some time now.
Good video Vars!
Now then Honkai impact meta video when 🙇♂️
I love the fact that you still use Kingdom Hearts music. Amazing taste.
Finally? It's always been good lol it's the only way to play Lyney that's not frustrating so I get why suddenly people think it's going to be a thing. But I don't think it'll change anything especially since elemental reaction is the core of the game. Mono teams are useless vs specific enemies too
Wait, was Dehya the only Pyro unit between Yoimiya and Lyney?!
I just want to make babies with furina
I pulled Klee in 3.8 just for cuteness but it makes me realize how good monopyro is, is way too underrated just because of lack of multiplicative reactions. Lyney is even not straight upgrade in team like this, more like sidegrade over Klee because, you need to do several chargeshots and with some aggressive enemies is not the case. What makes mono pyro good is not Lyney but Kazuha, XL and Bennet lol.
I don't understand why people are still getting Nilou wrong. She buffs a reaction "bloom" so it makes sense why she gets only broken when there are dendro and hydro characters in the team lol. It's balanced.
Lyney is literally the only mono option that isn’t kinda mid… like literally adding a single reaction makes a huge difference.
Even as a Noelle main, having Fischl with crystallises works better than wasting a slot on Zhongli (Albedo + Gorou + Fischl). I wish Geo could get VV shred too.
But benny xl and kazu is already a godly core u add water grass or electric on top of it or just more fire it dont mater. We need better standalone units like past especially broken 4* s like before more over they made abyss 12 2nd half mono pyro oriented to sell lynei mono teams not versatile. Swiching lyney to child / ayato / xinque gives you more vesetility and reaction dmg
The hollow bastion/ radiant garden background music was a lovely touch, Vars.
Keep up the amazing work!
I mono teams become viable I will create the ultimate waifu team (electro ofc) xD
I think Gorou had a similar concept roll with him, being that his banner got more powerful buffs with each Geo person on your team, but the stagnating set limit of 15% Geo DMG Bonus plus having no fourth Geo character bonus to his banner made him still good on mono Geo teams but his potential could be so much more
Thanks to Lyney i finally learned how to use bow characters and dodge
He came home on the first 10 pull at 30 pity and made me a better gamer 10/10 love him to death
What is better: Lyney XQ Benni Zhongli or Lyney Benni Kazuha Zhongli?
Mono anemo teams have nothing else to rely on but pure number damage. I agree with the point of a different anemo buffer for Xiao and wanderer just so these two will be appealing to pull for other than husbando reasons.
I actually don’t really like mono. Lyney was the first 5* I pulled and the team is extremely boring and completely unreliable. He is fine open world and against bosses, but fighting waves is horribly painful with him especially slimes who will just randomly jump out of the way. Just missing a single charge shot is a huge DPS loss, not to mention if end up being unable to heal, or forget in the heat of the moment, at the very end of a turn, the next fight you are again starting with a DPS loss because you are below 60% and have 0 stacks untill Bennett’s Burst comes off cooldown which throws off the rotation completely. I really didn’t like it and ended up pulling for Yelan as well and luckily won the 50/50 there too. I massively prefer my scuffed burgeon team to the Lyney Mono Ptro even tho it is technically a DPS loss since it is way more fun. Elemental reactions was the whole reason I was even interested in the game. If I wanted to be aimshotting all day I’d rather play an FPS
I would love to hear ur opinion on all the standard characters one day!
Like Which is the best Standard Banner character or are standard characters still viable and that kind of things…
Im saying that, casue I want to hear u say how Diluc used to be the best and stuffs 🙂
Klee is the most pointless character in genshin lol💀