Genshin Impact in u’r Nightmare #genshin #genshinImpact #hoyocreators January 2, 2025 by Allet Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn source
I lost my 50/50 more than 10 times to qiqi and now thanks to that, I main qiqi and have her in my spiral abyss team Reply
Me who never got qiqi👁👄👄 (i literally am a noob. I only have tighnari and keqing as five stars lol) Reply
I really happy if i had that dream for real,if i lost 50/50 on qiqi i will really happy!!!, because i eant C6 her Reply
Shouldnt it be your? Because u=you so u’re=you’re? I ask because i learn english and dont want to write or speak incorrectly Reply
No it’s my dream 😀
If only I had something like that in my life… I WOULD BE SUPERMAN NOW
I never got her in my pulls
Today I got a 5 star and guess who it was😊……👇say in comments
No that's my dream.
well at least its on standard banner 😭(you cant get 2 standard chars in a row on limited🤓👆🏻)
tbh I really want to get my hands on c6 qiqi
I want Qiqi she would be my second 5 star
Me realizing I only ever lost my 50-50 twice, and the second time was a double 😊
Not my 5 star being mona
I want a qiqi 😭 that there is everything else than my Nightmare ❤
I lost my 50/50 more than 10 times to qiqi and now thanks to that, I main qiqi and have her in my spiral abyss team
She gives me PTSD
I heart qiqi
In fact this shit just happended to me..
I don't have qiqi
Tighnari 🗿
Me who never got qiqi👁👄👄 (i literally am a noob. I only have tighnari and keqing as five stars lol)
I want qiqi from the standard banner only tho
Mine is keqing
I love her 💝
i got c2 qiqi😢
This was my First 10 pull she slaps
That nightmare is real 💀💀
I want Qiqi, she’s my first five star and first five star main (i want c6 so bad)
Qiqi is my favorite😂
Is the yt algorithm mocking me rn? I legit got Qiqi on my 50/50 😭
I wish C6
But I have c3
Qiqi…they dont like you so please…come to me instead I'll make you the best healer ever 😭
This would be a dream for me 😢
İts my dream
My nightmare is Jean. Everytime ı lost 50/50 she cames
I never get qiqi but i want her so bad
Para ustedes porque yo no tengo ni una sola copia de ella
Tbh I actullly want qiqi and I haven’t gotten a single one yet…JUST STUPID PURPLE KEQI-
I pulled a Dehya at 80 pity, not even Keqing and now I'm out for primogems.
i want.. PLEASE i havent pulled her NOT EVEN ONCE BRUH
I really happy if i had that dream for real,if i lost 50/50 on qiqi i will really happy!!!, because i eant C6 her
I want C6 Qiqi, I'm her main.
Ah yes in "you are nightmare"
Не знаю, я люблю чичу :3
If it’s 3 Qiqi’s that means its on standard. 😐
For me it's the opposite
Shouldnt it be your? Because u=you so u’re=you’re? I ask because i learn english and dont want to write or speak incorrectly
If i ever lose my 50/50 id want qiqi,yall hate on her too much