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Tectone React
Otk react
steak and eggs
steak and eggs podcast



  1. reverse 1999 is not just for you teccy and i can understand that but the game isnt that bad actually i used to look down on it when they released it never tried on the first day cuz i dont like chibi shits on game but out of curiousity i downloaded and played it and here i am now one of the players of this game diligently loggin in everyday i liked the gameplay after i understand the mechanics and everything some complicated stuffs i did like it more and theres no Artifact / Relic bullsht system which is i hate so its a plus to me , idk about the story cuz i fully skipped but they say its decent i just dont like it. but overall game is good its not just for everyone.

  2. Maybe I missed something but I am enjoying Reverse 1999. It's not my favorite game, I spend max 20 mins a day on it but I feel like my time is respected on there and find many aspects of the game compelling. Super super f2p friendly and pretty good story. I recognize that the flaws are there and it isn't for everyone, but I'd be interested to hear more on why Teccy thinks out of all the games on this list, R99 is "so fucking bad." Any knowers?

  3. I saw him stream Reverse 1999 for the first time. He literally skipped all the dialogue options, so no wonder he think it's bad. The community loves the game because of the story and unique artstyle. And with all the dialogue around how mediocre the localization is, I'm sure the company will improve the experience. However, it's not as bad as the doomposters make it out to be.

    The game is worth playing, but only if you actually take the time to experience the story. It's an emotional roller-coaster. There are some localization issues with how the developers translated some text into English, with some obvious errors, but not enough to make the story confusing.

    Anyone who claims the game is bad because they don't understand what is going on has obviously never read a novel involving time travel. We are not supposed to know everything at the start. It's the mystery we're here to figure out.

    For me is a solid 8/10, and once the localization is fixed, it will be a 9/10. IMO

  4. im in love with reverse 1999 character designs and its story, its very well done imo. also the fact i can just log in and take 10 minutes to do dailies like hsr and genshin is really comfy. i think it has great polish and the ui is very snappy and clean. (not to mention the lack of a weapon banner, you get the weapons for free basically). The new event is also pretty fun story wise, capturing that retro horror atmosphere.

  5. Tectone, I really like your content. I do disagree somewhat on your opinions about bosoms and bums. Some of us are Christians and our spirituality, does indeed expect to be 'holier than thou' as we are expect by God to be pure.I understand the attraction to physical aspects of the female bodies as sex is not in and of itself considered a sin and absolutely should be enjoyed. In reply to the point about it being about the bums, some people are not 'pretending' to be Holier than thou and indeed Ladies bums for them are not the main attraction to the game at all. For instance for me It was the exploration and the nice music which I delight in Genshin Impact for example.

    Anyway, my point is is that not everyone is interested in the sexual aspects of the Gacha Gaming. Also I prefer characters to have stylish and creative clothing to bunny outfits for example, simply because it is more interesting ^>^

  6. You suck HSR off so much when it barely got any content in the game, with 4-5 filler version updates so far that it fking dies lmao. If you look at google's trend, HSR is literally no where near GI in term of online interest. Stop overhyping HSR when it's a phone game

  7. Ill never understand why people still listen to revenue sales. Sensortower doesnt even give the full picture, its like a placebo but i guess its anything to keep us informed as to how a gacha is "performing" Lets face it. Hoyo made an untouchable product. 2 of them to be exact. Other companies can now only make games with a similiar production value but the quality will still be unmatched, but i think they should just make them have their own appeal and not a "Genshin Killer"

    I think the biggest gripe we all have with Hoyos modern gacha games is that they are in a developing state meaning we dont know everything the game is going to fully offer until the story is done and they focus on more endgame content. This is what makes it super easy to burn out. Other gachas are complete or feel more complete than HSR and Genshin so they have way more options to do besides grinding.

  8. Hoyo clearly doesn't really need exaggerated fanservice, they are literally at the top permanently with barely any fanservice, and I think that's pretty impressive. (Characters are still hot asf) But their games just have other qualities, good gameplay for example, which most "coomer games" don't have

  9. the reason why pgr dropped is because of an A rank loli that's free and cool to play but not as powerful as an s rank. Also best boi and bro will come 12/12/2023 so the game will increase in revenue. Then comes cute Ayla with her paintbrush. After Ayla comes the most anticipated character of pgr Miss ALPHA girl herself (Lucia ALTER hot samurai lightning waifu)

  10. It seems like Tectone is as forgetfull as a stone brick. Do I need to remember you what happened the last time when they tried to play the fanservice card with the bunnygirl dance video for HI3. Someone from their own main fanbase tried to break into their office to kill people. Yeah I as well agree that censoring is bad and should be stoped but they are properly doing it to keep their empleyess save and sound. And no changing nicole only for the globol release wouldnt change much because that fanservice video I mentioned was as well only for global but the shit above i mentioned still happen. So please can you just shut up about it and not mention it again becasue it gets repeditive and annoying.

  11. i tried reverse 1999 and it was okay i mean it makes you think but i don't know after a few days i just got bored. But than it came out when i was on vacation so i guess that has something to with it to. Yha i keep seeing tower of fantasy stuff and i did tried it on my ps5 and it still didn't look to good but i might go back and play it just cause i heard they are making it better again. As it was going to be my next genshin impact game replacement for all the hype it got. But than honkai star rail came and it was even better and its easier to grind out characters and max their stats.

  12. Hey Tectone, long time viewer (not much of your stream the past few years because of work), but I wanted to thank you for all the fun content you gave me during early Genshin Impact days. I pop in to your channel ever so often to see how you're doing. Glad to see you're still the same dude (morally and content wise). I hope you continue to grow and stay healthy. Sending all the love!

  13. "Fanservice sells" and then Furina banner destroys charts because she's written well and designed with utmost care and they just made everyone love her. I for one am happy that Genshin proves, again and again, that good writing can outperform thirst.


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