Genshin Impact Fontaine Archon Quest – Hydro Archon Furina Reveals her Split Personality
#GenshinImpact #lyney #fontaine
Gameplay footage edited in a synthetic manner for information purposes. All Gameplay played, recorded & edited by me.
About Meloo:
Meloo is a channel that produces Guides, Creative Edits, High Quality Lore Videos, Comparisons & Mods for new video game releases. In my videos I draw parallels and use different editing techniques to deliver my Gameplay in a concise & transformative manner rather than full let’s plays. All Gameplay is my own and is recorded and edited by me.
So basically seele from hi3
It's almost like ciaphas cain!!!
Man i really hope they Expand on this later. Maybe is her character story or something. Because we dont really know a whole lot about her.
Furina is literally me(I'm often talking with myself)
its lierally just her inner thoughts
It's definitely just her conscience or inner monologue. She masks her personality to keep her reputation as a respected public figure intact.
Just like Raiden for real
She remind me of seele
Its just her monologue reflection
She's too cute🥹🥹🥹
she's just monologuing, why did you think she had a split personality? are you stupid?
People. She does not have split personality. Creators showed her inner emotions during situation where You have to stay cool and calm. It is court after all.
Her split conscience is so confident yet she gets so easily flustered omg she's so cute- raiden could now back off because I've got a new favorite
Why is everyone saying she has split personality? This is just the game showing her thoughts with some visuals…..unless I'm dumb and I accidentally skipped some dialog
i wouldn’t call that a split personality. it’s just her talking to herself
Guys , which language is better? English or Japanese… I cant choose…
So Furina and Fischl would get along perfectly.
people who don't see leaks are really funny to see, just like the eyes are different, their essence is different, act 3 and 4 will break the faces of many people
She's so delulu i lover her
She's just like me fr
Inner sakura
The type of person that makes imaginary arguments inside their minds
It feels more like a Sakura inner self/monologue when Naruto is just starting out and not a split perso
Her pupils are different in each sidee might be like layla
It’s not a split personality, how many people are gonna mess this up lmao
Aqua from konosuba is that you 👀
Ace attorney in a nutshell
The idea that a god pulled out an all-nighter to study the case is pretty adorable
Dumb and dumber
I think she have a second herself with her like a phantom who follow her everywhere and can be a spy for Focalors ?
this girl need counseling more than raiden shogun
Furina is a symbol not a leader
Inner dialogue exists
People: oMg iT's hEr sPlIT pERSoAlitY
the fischl of fontaine 😭😭
what's with this sassy lost child
why not japan voice >..<
That is just an "Inner Monologue" not a split personality, smh.
First time meeting Furina she was slinging authority on first sight, after going through the story I kept wondering who let this sassy lost child become a Archon.
The way I see it, it’s like Fischl but blue.
She’s stupid. And I like it