Genshin Impact EP – Where All Ships Dock

A golden vision for the future must reach far beyond the horizon, for an ocean of wealth is formed from many tiny streams.
While the rest in the city relax and enjoy the peace and prosperity, one tireless innovator ponders a question:
When these shores finally recede into the murky depths of history… How will the bygone currents of yesterday drive the burgeoning waves of tomorrow?

#01. Relaxation in Liyue – 0:00
#02. Call It a Day in Liyue – 1:09
#03. Good Night, Liyue – 2:41

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26 thoughts on “Genshin Impact EP – Where All Ships Dock”

  1. Hi Mihoyo. I have played your game for awhile it has been an amazing journey and waiting for the new update on March 17th ! Also I would like to ask could u add a trading System so all the travellers can Extange Items for Materials

  2. Hi good day Community of : #GenshinImpact 🌟.

    I Share my honest review as game tester. ✍ Today we get a big mistake for the web event, i can say that we get : 300 primos only for one server maintenance. I'd expect the final reward for such a special event cycle to be better than 108. But what really brings the salt to my mouth and makes me spill it is the fact that some people got better rewards. There is enough RNG in this game already. This is insulting. We should not be okay with this at all.

    "Oh but it was stated that it would be random." There are many possible interpretations of what random would mean in this case, and not all of them have to be different rewards for players who did the same things.

    Yes, it is a gacha game, but it doesn't have to be always be RNG for everything, especially for things that are, well, one time only event gifts in the year. Without a doubt sadly the event web was a joke… </3 if this was the way for the special events for the year i cant think that i play the game more time as the mayority of the player base that are tired to see more RNG as the resin system that only limited the gameplay.

    PS: Its time to change, ✌ dear company and show to the player base that the community ar e important to you and no only our money, the game have alot of (ง︡'-'︠)ง ♥ potential, that can has improve from the npc-characters that we can see in the world server, more activitys permanents for more interaction , more permanents activitys in the category of : support for all players can improve the characters without resin, in this way the game be more active and can use better the time for grind as explore, mainly in the part for gameplay, we need to see unique characters that have own identy with innovation of the design as combat, and no more redesign, with the hand of good history, promotion as content, greetings, and i hope the staff listen the community, for no lost more players in the game, we are in time for change.


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