Genshin Impact: Don't Sleep on Ganyu

Look, I didn’t pull her but from the Trial Run and her Story Quest… maaaaaaaaaan.

Stream Schedule: Noon PST

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25 thoughts on “Genshin Impact: Don't Sleep on Ganyu”

  1. Yeah, that Trial Run was insane, vs that amount of slimes basically making upkeep on the ult permanent. I'm hoping on her to deal with Oceanid..
    Story showed it was a little bit differently in 'normal' circumstances but it was still insane. (although story quest is C3+5*bow whereas Trial Run is just C0)

  2. Got to soft pity and…… Mona!! C1 now. Not unhappy but annoyed 😂 now I’m 30 pulls into guaranteed Ganyu. I’ve got Welkin Moon but If I don’t get her by end of the banner I gotta drop some $ to get her.

  3. Ganyu is literally a better amber, bow has a 2nd charge, decoy work better, ult is larger and longer shower, and literally the only thing that amber got going on is her massive crit but ganyu also has that too.

  4. The trial and the quest are never truely representative of what a character will be like 90% of the time.

    The trial always gives you characters with around 50% crit% and 100% crit dmg. and a 4-ser brave heart bonus which means your damage is close to being as good as it can be, and lots of energy regen while fighting against enemies that die fast and drop lots of energy particles so you'll have fun spamming your Q.

    In her quest they gave you Ganyu at lvl 90 with a lvl 90 skyward harp and a full set of lvl 20 artifacts (can't remember the set, though) and let you fight a bunch of slimes and whopperflowers in a marsh-like environment while it's raining so almost everything you touch instantly freezes.

    They will always want to show you the character at her maximum potential because that's what's selling so even the best character in the game will appear more powerful in her quest/trial than in regular gameplay. Remember these facts when trying her and you'll manage to keep your (warranted) hype under control.


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