I speak the truth regarding the reality of Genshin Impact content creation.
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Hmmmm, quite interesting :3
I love watching Walrus' vids cuz he understood me as a GI player and he always respect other players opinions and their circumstances in the game…
He's always looking at other players perspectives to give fair suggestions which made me subscribe and became a frequent viewer.
So this is a 'quality' video? haha
Idk, I don't watch guide videos (only when I like to see another perspective/opinion/facts about teambuilding and numbers), but I don't mind them, if people are watching/searching why not?… Idk why the content creators are creating this drama over it '-'
If you don't want to make leak content so get over it… People like to watch leak content and that's it, because until now mihoyo left players in the dark, if they made a roadmap and some tiny teasers and eastereggs on their social media and game so nobody were going to look up to leaks… It's the sad truth isn't your fault, tectone's fault or the "leaks youtuber's" fault but you guys "non leaks youtubers" should admit keep up your job and blame mihoyo about the actual situation, in the end is their fault to not caring about the players and their own security system against leaks, but you know what? I'm starting to think that mihoyo likes leaks because everything they do is make all this a Twitter drama like a little girl and give even more power and visibility to the leakers.
EroticWalruss, as for me situation is not so bad. I noticed that I pay less attention to videos by the notepad reviewers since it contains mostly irrelevant or fake information. But for me still viable videos with game updates, patch notes etc, because I'm lazy to read this.
Remember the good old days when there was no "content" creators, and we all just played games and enjoyed them, without sad people playing 8 hours a day and also whales, tells you how a game is for yourself..? This game has perfect content for me, some times with events up i don't even have time to do it all.
This stuff is really true! Yesterday, someone got 150k+ views in 6 hours from a Yoimiya vid. (Yes, I do in fact think Ningguang has nice legs.)
sup sup flapper here
Algorithm you say? I was just looking up Xiao x Ganyu MMDs. I don't even know why YouTube threw me here 😒
14:54 Not just guides. There's been a surge of <1 min Genshin videos that are barely edited… sometimes even no edit that get like 10k+ views that just come on my feed. Yes they are relatable but that's it. The Youtube algorithm really now values Quantity > Substance now and it's killing my desire to watch any Genshin content tbh…
I don't want to see the whole map of inazuma I want to explore inazuma with kazuha. 4:42.
Speaking of content creators, I blocked Tectone's channel because he is a hypocrite. He goes on and say "I do not condone any sort of toxic negativity in my community". But In one of his vids, he proceeds to mock Mattjestic's way of covering leaked content and saying "Oh but that's ok because Matt is soooo wHolEsOme!". And no, Tech wasn't joking in a funny way because his tone, facial expressions, and body language told me that he was dead serious. Don't get me wrong, I liked Tech's content. But its just painful to see the "popular kid" bully someone who doesn't deserve it.
Walruss you should do a collab with techy! You are more technical he is pure entertaining 🙂
He is also Canadian 😀
I wish more Genshin lore channels got pushed. That's something I'd be interested in see more of.
La Signora & Scaramouche guides LOOOL
Thanks for shedding light on this Walruss
I only watch guide videos because it's fun but I don't follow those guides
For guides, I usually look to dreamy if she did one on that specific character
you basically repeated everything tectone said
You know the genshin community like the back of your hand
When I want leaked content I just go on reddit
Walruss really be making my day, i was just crying, lol
ive always found it weird when i see guides for characters that haven't even come out yet! i actually tried to avoid getting spoiled about kazuha's story and wanted to keep baal's design a surprise for myself til she came out, but it was just plastered all over the place and kept getting recommended to my youtube feed which was really frustrating!
4:57 – you're not against leaks… So you are not against illegal actions? That's not really cool 😐
13:00 – and the best part is that those guide may come out to be out of date once the character is out. That's why I totally don't trust such guides. It doesn't make any sense, theoretical guide doesn't make any sense. I have no idea why people watch those. If you won't test the character build in the field, for like bossing, exploring, Abyss etc., you can't provide valid outcome of your guide. Someone in the chat said it right: it's just a guessing game.
As of right now dragnoria has 29 videos featuring kazuha and he's not even out :/
Edit: yes I counted as of about 2pm est jun 13 2021
As an official Genshin Impact content creator I subscribe everything said in this video. The amount of effort and work put into the “normal” content is so much more than what a leaks video takes… it’s insane.
Is this the ugliest dude alive or what
Look for Varsona Vyzelta… he makes an side story with genshin characters that are amazing. He deserves the recognition. Give him some love
"they try to keep you there for as long as they-" ad plays
Dude ripped dragonarias butt lmao
Very good points in this video.
I'm ˢᵘᵇˢᶜʳⁱᵇⁱⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ ʷʰᵒ ˢᵘᵇˢᶜʳⁱᵇᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ˡⁱᵏᵉˢ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ'''""….
I 'liked' Tectone just because of his meme/high energy videos.
But since he attacked Tuner & Jinx, I blocked him. I rather see content creators who put effort in their streams than a douchebag pretending to be funny.
(Blocked Mattjestic a while ago, because he just copies other people's effort and even the incorrect info).
I now just watch you, TSoul22 and Taka GG for event guides or good insight. (Zealsambitions and Sekapoko were nice ones too)
surprised to hear GratisStatus being mentioned. I like his videos, I hope he gets even more views
Tbh the people needs paimon guide
I thought you're gonna say something about tectone vs jinx 😂
this dude spitting facts
but anyways back in the day when Genshin was few months old guides are pretty much relevant because pretty much everyone is new to the game but today leaks are pretty much everywhere and much accessible to everyone and anyone can pretty much make a builds all by themselves
I like leaks ( :
You are right.
I watched this video up to 11:35 of the 21:06 minutes of it and then clicked off to go watch Tenha's "Venti with 923 elemental mastery vs whale build" video. It was the title, thumb nail, and 8:33 length of the video that got me to switch. Then it clicked about what you were saying in this video that got me to come back to type this message. Don't be mad at me and I hope this helps a little.. but I am going to go watch that video now.
P.S. Also I subbed as well. Have a good day!
Heh, I was really confused about all this Kazuha guides poping out 1 month before his release but now I understand.
Not a big fan of guides. Part of the fun is figuring out how to make a character work with my team and play style