Genshin Impact Collected Miscellany Reaction | Albedo | Ganyu | Xiao

Continuing our collected miscellany reaction for Genshin Impact. Watching the trailers for Albedo, Ganyu, and Xiao and giving our thoughts on who we think is the most powerful and who we like the most. To see all of our Genshin Impact reactions check out this playlist

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27 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Collected Miscellany Reaction | Albedo | Ganyu | Xiao”

  1. I'd go Xiao>Albedo>Ganyu. Ganyu is the weakest tbh. She's a deity but she proved herself weak during the story quests in the game. If you've noticed Albedo has a talent called "Homuncular Nature" because he's a homunculus and also can transmute things into other things even LIFE.

  2. For power level gameplay wise strongest to weakest it’s: Ganyu > Xiao > Albedo.
    But lore/story wise strongest to weakest is: Albedo > Xiao > Ganyu.
    Remember what the narrator (Dain) says at the end of Albedo’s video. He would intervene if Albedo were to lose control. Albedo is actually one of the strongest characters in lore in the entire game.

  3. (Note: I have none of these three yet and thus have only actually played as them a bit.)

    Hm. In terms of lore power, the differences between the three aren't really important: they all have the life experience and survival skills to go to almost any place in the world solo and return intact, and none acting on their own will change the destiny of a nation. While Albedo is far younger (the other two were around for the Archon War, and actually participated in the days gods were being slaughtered), they all are powerful enough to at least stand against an impaired or unskilled god – not saying that means too much, as being a god is more about the precise ways you interact with the world's power than about precisely what you can do or how good you are in a fight: a god could be a very weak being with the Archon War as the main reason we see so little evidence of this today. (A very few gods did in fact survive, by accidentally or deliberately finding ways to no longer register as gods.)

    In terms of importance, they all have unique and significant roles in society even if this isn't obvious. Monstadt's Knights of Favonius seem funded by donations rather than taxes; aside from providing investigative skills on a high level and some global academic standing, Albedo's hobbies have happened to make him wealthy and he's a major sponsor. Ganyu has been a secretary (in the truest and oldest sense of that world) for the government of Liyue since its founding, and without her really noticing the government has grown up and around her to such an extent she's nearly irreplaceable. She is also the most publicly visible adeptus – again without noticing she serves as a constant reminder of the social contracts the nation was founded upon. Xiao is anything but visible to most of the populace, but Liyue has a very long and at times very dark history with echoes and ghosts of those pains persisting to the present day. Despite the efforts of mortal exorcists and the surprising contributions to the public good made by the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor over its lengthy and storied history, the far-ranging Xiao is both the most likely individual to discover a new spiritual problem within the nation's borders and the most likely one to promptly end it.

    In terms of gameplay, the one thing they all have in common is a reliance on mobility at different ranges, and a focus on interrupting an opponent's movements. Albedo's swordwork is polished (he learned it for the role of Knight, and now serves as an instructor along with many of the other seniors) but as I can attest from currently maining Anemo-aligned Lumine, you need to either stay constantly ready to dodge or supplement a "light" blade with elemental skills to hold your ground against anything that outmasses you. His Geo skills provide both escape from most attacks and the extra impacts to more effectively stagger enemies. Ganyu can actually fight at close ranges due to the ability to freeze multiple targets at once, can hold most opponents at some distance like Amber, and can provide significant control of the entire region around her, but like most archers is simply at her most efficient when free to play the sniper role. Like most polearm users, Xiao relies on a very high attack rate and enhanced dodging which can keep him from being easily hit… his Anemo-enhanced movements simply carry that to a new level, allowing him to both dodge in the air as well as on land and attack in ways that permit little retaliation. One last point: all three are especially good against enemies that aren't actually focusing on them, and thus in co-op. Albedo's platforms in particular can be used by other players' characters just fine.

  4. So best way to think of Adeptus are magical creatures/godly creatures.

    For example, Ganyu is half adeptus/half human. Her adeptus half is that of a qilin which is a chimera type mythical creature that's like a dragon/deer type thing. Xiao, another adeptus, is some kind of mythical bird that takes on a human form (its speculated to be a Peng which is a massive bird in Chinese mythology).

    In general most or all adeptus are very long lived or are functionally immortal (they can of course be killed and will theoretically die eventually but we have yet to know the max length). For example, Ganyu and Xiao both lived through the Archon War which ended 2000 years prior so they AT LEAST 2000 years old (probably older).

  5. Ganyu is basically that employee thats so hard working and never gets enough sleep, always stressed and due to her unique situation being a person of half human and half Qilin making her essentially an Adepti ( magical / ascended )
    She sees herself not fully human nor fully adepti and feels distant to both

    Her only connection to the world is her job of being a secretary to Liyue's governing people which she has done meticulously for hundreds of years yet outside of the job she is a lonely soul that has no one she can bond with (until the main character befriends her)

  6. meta-wise its ganyu>xiao>albedo

    cryo has always been one of the best dps reactions, anemo has extreme versatility and xiao is still the #1 pure anemo dps, unfortunately geo in general has been having an identity crisis as hyv doesnt seem to know what direction to take it. we had 3 whole patches of desert expansions and not a single geo character to show for it which sucks because i love geo.

    lorewise i can say with confidence that xiao is stronger than ganyu, they’re both veterans of the archon war and both fought alongside the geo god, ever since the war ended ganyu goes to the mountains to train under xiao every now and then and generally views him as her senior

    when to comes to albedo, im not entirely sure where he stands since most of his strengths arent combat related, his alchemy is supremely powerful in that he has the ability to create life like its nothing which is a big deal for anyone who knows anything about alchemy, and even then with the more we learn about khaenri’ah the more dangerous his abilities start to become. personally id place him above both ganyu and xiao

  7. Xiao is my main, he is just a really good dps character that fits in perfectly to the rest of my team. I also love the boost in climbing stamina it helps ALOT. Honestly i just want to wrap him up in a blanket and give him his favorite food, he needs a break.


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