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edited by: zei
Please support original creator: series number 9 is not uploaded cuz i was eatting while i was watching it, BUT YOU CAN FIND OUT ABOUT
RAIDEN VS RAIDEN in the original number 9
Does anyone know what's the hype BGM that was playing during the epic hyper Ganyu Melt combo in 12-3-2 by szswindy?
It made the whole sequence even more climactic than it already was.
Ok petra klee is 300 iq move
dude the game knowledge, creativity, and mechanics on display in these CN championships is always just completely mindblowing. The players are so good
these championships are a joke lol gâcha champion ships are just outright dumb
TTDS C2 Petra Klee. Wow. Just… wow.
I really appreciate you, TenTen, for bringing this content to us. I would probably never come across this type of content myself, so thank you. It's amazing!
Tried reverse image search but I cant seem to find the original source for 12:19.
Does anyone knows where can I find the source of this artwork?
1:34 They have special rule for keqing, diluc and mc. Only these three characters can wear artifacts and 5 star weapon without limitation. For other characters, they can wear at most 1 5-star weapon and 14 lv20 artifacts for 2 teams
It was super fun to watch, also nice xenoblade epic sountrack at the end
Wtf is this sunfire ganyu😳😳😳😳😳
new competitive video poggers
lmaooo what is this league of genshin?? hhhahaha
Yikes, this is so desperate pvp 🤮
I'm curious on the mechanic for the footages, are they doing it real time? or can they try 100 times to get 1 best abyss clear footage?
wtf I did not knew there is a tournament for Genshin lmao.
Why is this still mainstream? What a pathetic community, overhyping an abyss speedrun instead of asking for real endgame content.
Chat’s being incredibly rude 🙄 it’s 2022 already, making fun of a bilingual’s accent is cringe now.
Pls, do more
Wait what, what is this?!?! First time I see something like this, is this real ooorr..??
eula critting wasn't 50/50 or luck, 2cryo + rosaria passive pushes cr to 80%'ish
i did not know genshin had an e-sport scene
Apparently I don't understand all the game mechanics still. Why are some of these people using 3 star weapons at lvl 1? That seems very counter productive in a tournament.
I just realized the player 'szswindy' is in a lot of Tony To's videos doing crazy big numbers videos.
There's one thing I don't understand about Jean c2 at 10:00. I thought jean c2 required jean to catch the particles first.
I thought this was a meme when the video started… it's actually a real genshin tourney wtf
Petra klee meta
Wait what? Genshin Tournament? 💀💀
The teams are being generous for not banning kazuha and bennett ngl.
need genshin impact PvP
Even tho its in Chinese i still understand the commentator, thats a good commentator
9:17 can someone please this to me? I need this