Genshin Impact – C6 Thoma looks promising to me (Shield Bot Ver.)

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0:00 Characters Selection
0:05 12-1 First Half
1:12 12-1 Second Half
2:00 12-2 First Half
3:34 12-2 Second Half
4:24 12-3 First Half
5:54 12-3 Second Half
7:10 ​​Artifacts, Constellation and Talents Showcase

#GenshinImpact #Thoma #IonStorm


15 thoughts on “Genshin Impact – C6 Thoma looks promising to me (Shield Bot Ver.)”

  1. Heyo again. That is the precise comp I was thinking would be particularly spicy for Thoma. Nice to see it in practice.

    Incidentally, Hu Tao is exceedingly fun to play. I'm quite entertained. 😉

    As always: Cheers everyone! ^_^

  2. Thoma as a character seems very versatile in which team comps he can be in, but I think he shines with pyro characters as a means to apply the pyro then swirl it with an anemo character and the shield is of course a great plus. Wonder how well he plays with other pyro dps like Klee who let's be honest needs a shield. Great run as always 🔥

  3. Great run as always! My Thoma is only C0 and all my artifacts are still lvl 12 but I’ve already been using him, and he’s a pretty fun character to use and his shield is strong enough for my play style even when I only have 24k hp now. The only problem I’m having is that he’s at 190% ER right now and his burst doesn’t fill up half of the time, so I can’t get 100% uptime. But my artifacts are still lvl 12 and four of them have ER stats, so I’m hoping some substat rolls would go into ER.

  4. c6 thoma looks like a really good shield bot! do you think he’s on par with diona or even better? also congratulations on the c6 r5 hutao and staff of homa ion! hope you had really great pulls


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