Today in Genshin Impact I have a treat for you all! Another ridiculous challenge featuring Bennett!
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Music from Epidemic Sound (
Outro Music: “City Breath Control – Halcyon Lounge”
I love Bennett’s bouncing XD
Thank you for making this for us
someone give this man an award for having the most patience
The bouncing Bennett was super fun to watch!
Great Benny backblast flying montage
bennet woke up and decide to be a basket ball
“Wouldn’t gliding be faster”
Get the anemo resonance for reduced cooldown
Videos like these make me miss Teyvat Times.
huh i didnt know its called monshtad
Moga integrity. That's the comment.
4:53 Bennett the pain dolphin
Everyone: bouncing bennett
Me, an intellectual: Bennett is fish confirmed
Next video : Genshin Impact, but i can only move with Rosaira's E
When you take the "Do a flip!" joke way too seriously.
The bennet bouncy moment and the song u put in match the moment
Next vid: playing using my feet
Next Video:I can only move with ganyu's E
Wonder what bones would react to this moga's idea
The speedy parts sounds like pokemon music
This is what Bennett told us how his day going
The bouncing benett was so with it , it made me laugh
Genshin Impact, but I can only move with bow auto attacks
the editing effort! thank you for this!!
genshin impact commissions but you can only move using character's auto attacks
Seeing Bennett bouncing was actually fun to see…..
"Thankfully Glory is blind" that's cruel man :<<
Ah yes. Monshdadt. I love that place