Genshin Impact artists receive so much hate…

Some people on Twitter seem to despise equality.
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46 thoughts on “Genshin Impact artists receive so much hate…”

  1. That Kaeya art literally so beautiful and cute. How can its white washing? Or I'm just too blind with coloring art. And why is it problem if they ship KaeLuc tho?

  2. The person who "fixed" him made me honestly very uncomfortable and upset. It wasn't their art in the first place so they had no right to touch it or anything. Second, the person who made the artwork made it the way they wanted to, so leave the art piece alone, it's beautiful and perfect the way it is.

  3. What’s funny is yeah, he has darker skin that most characters, yes, we literally know nothing about Khaenri’ah, like- we know two people?? Kaeya and Dainsleif and so to harass someone over this is just coakxhkajxkajdjd just get over yourself and I’ve also seen some artists use colour drops of screenshots of him from the game, then they’re accused of white washing when in reality they literally used Mihoyo’s character design for him. I also saw people saying that Mihoyo was white washing him like tf??? Once again we know nothing of Khaenri’ah, it’s a fictional country that Mihoyo created, who happened to also create the character and give the design the official “go” to be put into the game so once again I still don’t understand where these people are coming from lol

  4. i saw cool art with Kaeya and Eula, and Kaeya was just little bit more pale, literally just one tone. they called it whitewashing
    god i hate twitter

  5. ‘what happened to my black king’
    then there’s kaeya literally having a hindi name-
    i’m indian and i have realllyyy light skin. someone said that i wasn’t indian bc my skin wasn’t brown lol

  6. OH COME ON, REALLY? I have seen plenty of stuff like this, but I hate this the most. They make a drawing, a really good drawing with an interesting artstyle (at least I like it, it's fine if you don't), and people get offended, because the depicted character is one shade lighter than he appeas in the game and artworks. And they act like he commited a war crime. I would really like to find these people personally and tell them that they are so insanely stupid. HE ISN'T EVEN FROM A DIFFERENT RACE! THIS IS THE SAME LEVEL AS CRITICISING SOMEONE FOR NOT DRAWING MUD ON A CHARACTER'S FACE WHO USUALLY HAS MUD ON HIS FACE. GODDAMMIT. I probably overreact this. THEY STARTED! I am actually fine with someone drawing characters as black, just because they wanna speculate how they would look like, and vice versa. But these people make me sick.

  7. There's someone on tiktok who got massive hate so massive that they had to show proof it was just the lightning and that his skin stone is actually little darker than the original one, it was also only the artstyle that made him "look kinda white". Even though they showed proof they were still getting hate to the point they quit and deleted their account. Its sad cause they were only starting their account 🙁

    What's kinda funny is that the art didn't even look "white-washed" and the artist got hate for no reasons

  8. I dont see what's wrong with the art?? They didnt even make Kaeya really look lighter or anything, very least I'd say kaeya is lowkey looking kinda pale. I would know cuz my skintone is the same as kaeya in-game but when I'm pale, my skin often looks like the color of the skin on the art👁👄👁 it all just naturally depends on the type of shading and lighting in a way ngl

  9. First the art is little Keaya eating grapes from the dawn winery. How do I know this is younger him look at the hair keaya has long hair

    Second what is wrong with this it just cute chibi art


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