Genshin Impact Are Cooking HARD…

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Genshin Impact Are Cooking HARD…


I love playing Genshin Impact, especially on stream, so feel free to come and watch the story unfold with us!


#GenshinImpact #BranOnline #miHoYo


33 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Are Cooking HARD…”

  1. 60 primos in 6 weeks, not in a month. But 150k Mora less every week … I have enough Mora, but I don't like this change. ^^ 100 artifact levels in 6 weeks means: you have to farm artifacts. Too bad the domains don't get a level on them and give 2 artifacts guaranteed.

  2. When he mentioned the ascension materials from world boss guarantee to be at least 3, it made me think of the scenario where you only need 3 more ascension materials for the final ascension, but the drop only gives you 2; therefore forcing you to farm the boss 1 more time for 1 more ascension material and when you proceed to collect the drops, it gives you 3. 😒 I don’t know about any of you, but to me, it’s triggering!

  3. All i want to say is "wow never knew it would take this long to be implemented." I've lost interest for the game along time ago. Atp all i can see is just them being this 'generous' and 'considerate' for the sake of its longetivity when player's retention already sinking down by idk how much. But i'll keep playing the game because of the archons, harbingers, hexenzirkel, dainsleif, and skirk.

  4. Ima be honest the only thing that keeps me going back to this game is to see how to story develops. Like literally all they need to add is a skip button and the game is playable. There are some parts of the story and especially world quests that are soo skippable its actually unbearable to play through them. People have better things to do, just give the option to skip, and those who don't want one can just toggle it off in options.

  5. 7:32 i didn’t had a problem with particular quests, but sometimes, when i was entering domain, especially in sumeru, they didn’t pointed out that dendro is going to be necessary. okay, they have recommendations for elements in domain, but they almost entirely useless, so i stopped paying attention to those recommendations. but in some domains dendro was NECESSARY u just couldn’t activate anything without it, and i didn’t had dendro characters in my party, so i had to go out of the domain, grab a needed character… it was so annoying, im glad they’re gonna add this thing

  6. I really hope the extra rewards for world level 9 are actually worth it aside from the guaranteed 3 minimum character level-up materials which is nice (i remember from 7 to 8 the drop rate increase was so small it was basically non existent), because otherwise it's a case of "more is better" with bigger numbers and nothing else going for it.
    The adjusted drops for kairagis, specters, and the rest of them are very nice… too bad it took them 3 years to do it.
    And i can't understand why they would lock Weekly Quests in a region after reacing max reputation there…

  7. Yeah, I also seldom use the Interactive Map and if I use it I use 3rd-party Versions. I like the Appsample map the most. The Map Genie I do not use at all. And there seems to be also an official or some kind of "official" chinese version of the Interactive Map. That I like also more then both Map Genie and HoyoLab Interactive Map.

  8. sadly bran 1.6 times is still too low
    since the good items will pretty much take at least 10% of the current load limit, your creativity in teapot is still hindered
    this is nice for frontal showcase tho
    but in an overall standpoint its not that big
    lots of us teapot enthusiast would love to fully built an all round design where there is no bad angle
    AKA you can run around your teapot without seeing a neglected area

    boss drop increase is a must, like bruh why 2 drops is still available for top AR players

    lol that revival food priority, i wish i could see that

    high difficulty? which one? maybe difficult to sit through then yea i can name over a dozen on top of my head
    removing quest instead of adding more wow i certainly want that WTF

  9. Hopefully I can do a full rotation in the overworld and actually get to use my DPS before the enemies die to my supports now…. Or play someone like Raiden and actually be able to get the particles back to recharge my burst in the overworld…. lol

  10. For the "difficult combat" with it having recommended weapons and elements – if you've only got a hydro catalyst built up and the enemy is immune to hydro then you're kinda stuck, especially if you don't have a lot of characters if you're new/unlucky/don't play every day. Something like that happened to me and I had to go through a whole fight using the support doing like 200 damage and it took so long to beat…

  11. I think a lot of the changes that Bran doesn't understand/like is down to him spending money and playing genshin often, which isn't a bad or negative thing but a lot of the new qol changes help f2p accounts a lot and accounts owned by people who can only play casually once or twice a week. Honestly as someone with a f2p and dolphin acc I see some of the qol being useless for one account but useful for another so it's honestly a good mix of qol updates to hit multiple different account stages and types.

  12. God deam, it took em years to put QoL for ***very exagerated** end game player. Kinda strange i think they fired genshin's team and replaced it.
    They did something for end game player, can't be them

  13. I just have this one question if you increase your world level to level nine. the enemies with a shit tone of Heath will have more Heath so they will become mimi bosses and bullet sponges. right or I am seeing this in a wrong way. If so will pass I love a good challenge but not fighting walls of Heath.

  14. i'm just happy about the "regional specialty tracking" because i hate looking at the interactive map to get the specialty , that's why when i want to build a character i cant because interactive map is so annoying

  15. The only thing with the "quest difficulty warning" that I could think of that could actually be helpful to long term players, is in situations you're about to encounter certain enemies with elemental shields/immunities, to give you a chance to switch teams.

    The amount of times I get screwed when I'm doing something like Mono Hydro team and get hydro enemies, or an Ayaka freeze teams against cryo mages & slimes etc…. This could be a helpful warning. It wouldn't be so much about the difficultly though rather than just warning you for elemental checks.


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