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🎬 Clipped By: ant
#Antony #Genshin #Anime



  1. I have been seeing that the anime might be a prequel when the twins travel through Teyat together from 500 years ago and I kind of wanna clear something up. When the twins first arrive in Teyat, both are asleep and one of the twins wakes up first and travels through Teyat with mostly likely Dainsleif while the other is asleep. I will call the one who wakes up first the Abyss sibling. We don't know how long the abyss sibling have traveled throughout Teyat but it was long enough to visit the 7 nations. Then the cataclysm or Khanrieah happens, that is when the Abyss sibling wakes the other twin up to flee but ended up captured by the Unknown God instead. So the twins never actually travel through Teyat together in the past. If you want to know more about the lore then I suggest visiting the channel name Wei, they have very good summaries of genshin lore and good theory too.

    There are also people who are saying that it could be about the archon wars which I also highly doubt. Since the game is still being developed, the Archon wars will have a lot of lore drops that could really impact the game storyline itself too.

    What I see that will most likely happen is that the anime storyline will be just like the game where it starts off with the unknown god. The difference could be that the main character will have more personality and we could see scenes that couldn't show in the game. Remember that this is a long-term project which means the anime might get broken into different seasons which most likely be each chapter of Genshin the game itself. Think of it like an unfinished manga that gets an anime but instead of manga it's a game. This could be a good thing too since new players tend to get confused by the game lore when they started the game, and the timeline of the events from the game can also be unclear sometimes. Having an anime adaptation could solve this problem. Though this is just what I thought, I could be wrong though so who knows? The least we can do is to wait and see what will happen.

  2. To be honest I was surprised by the Art cause it looks like something I have seen before so I searched for the Animation studio and found that they also animated Tales of Zestiria the X which I Really love so so Much I also played the game Version of Tales of Zestiria and it was amazing!!


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