How to Turn Heizou into a MONSTER (Genshin Impact)

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36 thoughts on “How to Turn Heizou into a MONSTER (Genshin Impact)”

  1. triple em and 4pc viridescent just makes him close range sucrose (which makes him worse than her, since she is also better with crowd control and team buffing). he's better off with a dps build

  2. The fact I have gladiators on him… YES… GLADIATORS…. he hits 38k swirl at 70.. unbuffed.. man he’s a tank… like he’s the anemo archon 🧑‍🚀

  3. I see all people in the comments saying that is hard to get him and im like "buut i got him two times as my first ever pull in the game"🤣and i got Fischl too I guess I'm lucky at getting 4 star characters

  4. do you even know what your talking about??💀 4pc vv doesnt even benefit heizou himself and dps heizou doesnt benefit from the EM from 2pc wanderers so if you dont know what his best artifact sets for him is then dont make this video cause i highly doubt you know about what artifact sets to use on a character. 2pc vv and 2pc glad/shim is way better than those trash sets you recommended and 2pc shim and 2pc glad is awesome too

  5. I don't think, 2pc wanderer's and 2pc VV is good for him. (Dps build). The additional 80 Em isn't that good for Dps build. Just use 2 pc shime/glad.
    And how come you forgot Lost prayer, probably the best 5* weap for him (dps build).

    Anyway, Imma just share something.
    I built him with 4pc VV, full EM and 4pc VV Dps build.
    I have to say. The DPS build is better. He doesn't group enemies, so swirling just one enemy isn't that good.

    Also for a dps build, 4 pcc VV is still the best. The additional atk from shime/glad (2pc/2pc vv+atk) just doesn't compare to the value that a 4pc VV build gives.
    If you have even though just 50 or so EM, it'll be boosted with a 4pc VV set. That swirl dmg is good enough since he swirls almost constantly.
    Also if you're in a team with, Xiangling, Xinqiu, Raiden, Yelan,etc. Their dmg is boosted in a way that, Heiszou is swirling their element thus reducing the enemy's resistance to it.

    If you're gonna use him on a mono team, then sure the 2pc VV and 2 pc Atk is better, but honestly that's just stupid because why would you use him on a mono (geo/anemo) team. He doesn't work with them that well😅.

    Edit: but if you find farming for it is hard. Then yeah just use 2pc/2pc. Save yourself the stress😆.

    Ps. I love anemo characters and 4 pc VV is almost always needed for them that's why i always farm it hahaha. And just feed maidens to craft glad/noblesse.


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