Genshin Impact – Aether Meets Lumine Again After Losing Her (Reunion)

Genshin Impact (PC / PS4 Pro) Aether and Lumine Meet Again – Abyss Herald Update Chapter 4
#GenshinImpact #Lumine #Aether
Gameplay Raw footage edited in a synthetic manner for information purposes. All Gameplay played, recorded & edited by me.
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About Meloo:
Meloo is a channel that produces Guides, Creative Edits, High Quality Lore Videos, Comparisons & Mods for new video game releases. In my videos I draw parallels, use Juxtapositions and other editing techniques to deliver my Gameplay in a transformative manner from the original narrative rather than full let’s plays. I usually focus on games for a more mature audience. All Gameplay is my own and is recorded and edited by me.


28 thoughts on “Genshin Impact – Aether Meets Lumine Again After Losing Her (Reunion)”

  1. Wait so why do they use their real names instead of saying like “brother” it destroys the entire purpose of other characters calling you traveller and you getting to choose you’re name

  2. Now I’m hoping for my future self to get a high quality PC just for genshin (and for honkai) i hecking know my phone can’t handle this game’s storage for too long, too hypee for future updates to come especially when we get to enter khaen’riah wrecked 500 yrs ago hmmmm more dark stuff is approaching

  3. I was looking for an English voice-over of this since i picked Lumine. Thank you! 🤣

    I wanted to see how Lumine spoke here. Aether sounds like a cute puppy trying to intimidate you hehe

  4. I wouldn't be surprised if Mihoyo will start killing characters in the next story quest. Also, now that Khaen'riah has been the main topic, my curiosity about Albedo and his dead Master have risen again.

  5. Can't wait Mihoyo put Dante Vergil twin sibling rivalry all over again
    Lumine: stabs Aether foolishness, Onii-chan. Foolishness. Abyss control everything, without it you can't expect to get your waifu banner. Let alone yourself


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