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My fave ships:
1. Kaeluc
2. Chilumi
3. Xiaother
4. Kavetham
5. Ganqing
6. Jeanlisa
7. Eulamber
8. Albecrose
9. Eimiko
10. Halfdain
Why no Noelle ships?
I'm still surprised Childe and Zhongli didn't get higher, but that could be my personal bias
Is this proof that genshin community is lgbtq friendly
no but aether/albedo is literally my favorite ship, what do people have against it??
some of my other favs are in top 10/top 3 so it's not that disappointing
Hey, koomaxx! Great vid ❤
Can u pls do a genshin olympics where u put different characters in what sports they'd enjoy playing? I feel like it'd be a really cool idea for a vid! Have a nice day ❤
Xinqui and Chongyun: shipped
There aunties Yelan and Shenhe (who is actually canonically chongyuns aunt): s h i p p e d
kinda sad Jeanluc was ranked so low 🥲
Nah no yelan x xiao who tf Ships that 💀😭😭
And why TH gets everyone shipped with lumine like gurl no
Im very happy that most people like Xiao and aether, no hate to Xiao and Lumine tho
Surprised zhongchi didnt make it in the top 10, they are a really popular ship nowadays rlly 😭
Where is Zhongli and Venti ?? Noooo (*´Д`*)
gorou and miko or chongyun and shenhe are prolly my favs
14:38 no one gonna talk about the “aether x lumine” there 💀😭
i screamed when alhaitham and kaveh were ranked n.5 and not n.1 oh the agony but i understand the rest of the top 5 to me they're kinda all same ranking to me
I dont ship myself with anyone, shipping is like just a thing that people assume of you or others. I do like Shenhe, scaramouche and Diluc and I have dreamt of me going on a date with them blushed about little things they said on the game but shipping is another thing
Edit: im surprised to see Lumine x Xiao and Lumine x Childe not on top even though nowadays women are into yaoi and ship two males together even they shop the two which surprises me. I am not necessarily into shipping and have no problem with cuz it’s just someone’s taste and opinion. There are some ships that doesn’t make sense to me tho in which I disagree like Kazuha x Scaramouche (Kazuha’s friend) Scara x Mona (she is very cautious around him and she is like 19 and he is like what more than 100+ years old 😅)
Xingqiu and Chongyun is a cute ship because in events, when one of them shows up, you know they other one is close by 😂 Also they are both on one of the most og op the national team, having good synergy in real battles too. Cute!
I am beyond shocked that Zhongchi didn’t make top 10. Mostly because when you look at Genshin impact on Ao3 and sort by kudos, most of the top 40 books are Zhongchi.
as a shipper enjoyer for even my own preferences or others in genshin and other fandoms
this content is indeed amazing!!!
Can you Ranking Genshin Characters at a Wedding part 2 but it's a double wedding episode and the wedding is for Xiao and Aether and Chongyun and Xingqiu an if so I would love to see that video please and also I love your videos keep up the great work
Xingqiu x Chongyun should've been #1
Finally Scaramona is on the list 😀 (I just started liking them so pls don't roast me it's just a ship)
At least xiaolumi got 13 but why must Xiaoaether be higher
I wish beidou and ningguang was canon but china disapproves of gay couples
My fave has to be kavetham
My ships that I would die for:
Beidou and Ningguang
Venti and Xiao
Albado, Cyno and Tighnari (I wasn't the biggest fun of just Cyno and Tignary, but I dig this polycule so much!)
Ayato and Thoma
Chongyun and Xingqiu (I think that's my favorite)
Ei and Miko
Alhaitham and Kaveh
My headcanon for Heizou is that he's a little slut, and definitly had a thing with Kazuha, but they're not commited
And I ship myself with Scara, I am a hopeless simp, who likes being called usless, and I swear I can fix him
Seriously, it's a shame how miserable are the most popular Sara ships for her…
She deserves better than Itto…
Raiden didn't even acknowledge she existed before the Inazuma AQ finished…
And we better don't talk about Yae… I love her but she's the last person I would be in a romantic relationship with. I apply the same for literally every single character in genshin…
So you may ask who's the best ship for Sara, outside of the travellers?
Gorou… Their voicelines about each other are cute, they respect themselves and they mention that they would have loved to work together if they weren't on opposite bands … Also Sara loves the number five, and Gorou means "Fifth Son"…she literally points this out in her voiceline about him..
Everyone: arguing if Chili or Chilumi are the best childe ships
Me: ChilMiya And ChilYan for the W.
Beidou and Ninguang are practically confirmed. Jean and Diluc also seem very plausible. Xiao and Ayaka have similar no friends vibes and the traveler gets them to open up. Xiao has strong emotional vibes due to every lantern rite and moon chase festival and the chasm. He asks you to call his name if you need anything. Childe + Lumine very strong as well. I think the Mona and Scaramouche ship was stronger earlier on, they havent had any contact since that first event though, many new players do not know of it, and Scaramouche development has moved on since then.
Eula + Amber, and Dehya + Durnyazad, strong ships but also they give off strong sibling vibes, Dehya was sort of taken in by Durnya's father as an employer, and Amber's grandfather was Eula's mentor.
I'm a loyal devout to Kaedehara Kazuha Harem
Including but not limiting to
-The Traveller
Man has infinite rizz, every woman that he meets fall for him…
I could easily see Kazuha and Ayaka, though the game hasnt given much interaction between them. Their families have history and Ayaka has no friends. I could see them getting together eventually.
I hate Eulamber and Ganqing with a passion… Another beautiful friendship where both one-up eachother, turned into a cringe yuri ship…
I'm surprised that the list missed some of the most popular ships, such as Zhongli and… A lot of characters, such as him with Keqing or Hutao? Zhongli and Hutao seems to be the most popular ship for both of them.
I get that rarepair won't be here, but I see a HUGE lots of pics about Nahida with either Scaramouche or Alhaitham. It's mostly Alhaitham but Scaramouche catching up very quickly. Maybe I just happened to be in a community that love Nahida so much, so I'm seeing lots of her pics with many characters, but it's mostly between those two.
this just proved me that majority of community is not straight~!!!
I wasn't surprised with Ninngguang x Beidou, but was disappointed that there wasn't even a mention on Director Hu x Zhongli.
Top 10 are basically all queer coded in cannon
A ship I personally love is Kaeya × Childe
Idk it’s just the vibe they give off
Why are the lesbian ships higher I can guess but can never understand
What is ship ?
I was inspecting kiqing and aether
I’m not on the Twitter side of the fandom so y’all cannot comprehend how happy I was to see Dehya x Dunyarzad make 11th place!!! I wasn’t even expecting my favourite couple to make the list lmao